Friday, February 28, 2020

Why is the UK the TOP Destination for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Essay

Why is the UK the TOP Destination for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the European Union - Essay Example The United States yet maintains to be the forerunner amongst the investors into the UK alongside Germany, Japan, India and France. The recently published World Investment Report, nowadays by the â€Å"UNCTAD† (Green 2011) illustrates that the UK is one of the most favored nations for FDI in European Union and third globally. According to the report published by UNCTAD, the stock of FDI in the United Kingdom is $US 1,086 billion of FDI stock. This report strengthens the position of the UK as one of the most attractive business destinations of the world. Susan Haird, acting CEO of UK Trade & Investment talking about this report said that this report strengthens the attractiveness of UK’s Foreign Direct Investment. Significant potential future Foreign Direct Investment gains are likely from further incorporation, particularly subsequent successful liberalization of services organizations. The long-term FDI cost of withdrawal would be significant. EU Impact on UK FDI: UK ha s been capable to attract comparatively more FDI than a number of other European financial systems as a consequence of market incorporation. As a percentage of GDP the UK also catch the attentions of more FDI than the United State. UK Trade & Investment has played a significant role in promoting UK as an attractive FDI location to the overseas investors and to come them to the UK for investment. â€Å"Worldwide, most FDI is between Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries. The USA accounts for just under a quarter of global FDI, outward and inward† (Milne 1999). Worldwide, the United Kingdom is the second largest outward depositor and the third largest receiver of inward investment. In the year of1998 and 1999 outward British Foreign Direct Investment was alike in value to outward United State Foreign Direct Investment. The UK, with stretchy labor marketplaces and a tradition of physically powerful incorporation into worldwide FDI flows would be well-placed to catch the attention of an important share of future FDI flows, mainly in high- efficiency knowledge- rigorous businesses. The World Investment Report demonstrates that, the UK has outperformed a declining European marketplace, the share of UK’s FDI stock enlarged â€Å"while the overall stock of FDI in Europe declined to $7,614 billion from $7,951 billion† (UK is Europe’s Top Destination for Foreign Direct Inward Investment 2011) in the year of 2009 and that in the European Union fell to $6,890 from $7,296 in the year of 2009. According to the report, 46% of the investors are faithful to the United Kingdom, which helped attracting repeat business. Now, it is very much necessary for the government of UK to focus more on attracting new shareholders from BRICs. Infrastructure and Technology, quality of life and constant financial environment, customs and language are cited as the key characteristics that made the UK more attractive for the investors . â€Å"The UK attracted 728 FDI projects in 2010, up 7% on 2009, compared with 562 projects in France and 560 in Germany — whose projects rose by 34%, bolstered by its position as the number one location for Chinese investment.† (Destination UK: Sustaining Success in the New Economy 2011). This denotes that since in the year of 2004, the UK has been chosen as the site of choice for around one in five of every investment announcements crossways Europe. Why UK has been Successful in FDI: FDI brings various advantages to the UK financial system such as rising employment and productivity, inspiring competition, and rising efficiency.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Charging and Discharging Capacitors Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Charging and Discharging Capacitors - Lab Report Example b) The value of the charging current at the same instant: Since, I = = = 0.42625 amps = 426.25 mille-amperes c) The time constant value of the circuit. As already calculated in (a) time constant: = RC = 40 x x F = .480 Question 2: . A 20 microfarads capacitor is charged to 400 volts. At t = 0, a resistor of 12 kilo-ohms is connected across the capacitor. a) Calculate the voltage remaining across the capacitor after 180 milliseconds. In this case the capacitor is being discharged and the voltage drops from the maximum at t=0 to almost 0 when the discharge is complete. The drop is exponential as per Kirchoff's Voltage Rule. This time the voltage at time t is = = {}(for a differentiating circuit). The time constant for this circuit is: = RC = 12 x x F = .240 Therefore, voltage across the capacitor after 180 milliseconds: = {} = 400{} = 400{.472} = 188.8 V d) Calculate the discharge current at 180 milliseconds. Since, I = = = 0.0176 amps = 17.6 mille-amperes e) Calculate the time taken for the voltage to fall to 36.8% of its initial value. From the initial relationship: = {} it is derived: = .368, or = .368 t = = .24s The time taken by the voltage to fall to 36.8 % of its initial value is the time constant itself. Question 3: A coil having an inductance of 2.5 henrys and a resistance of 40 ohms is switched on to a 60 volt d.c. supply at t = 0. a) Calculate the value of the steady state current ultimately reached. The time constant in this case for inductance is: = = = .0625 Therefore, I = {1 - }= {1 - } = x .9933 = 1.49 amps b) Calculate the value of the current when t = 30 mille-seconds. Therefore, for the same circuit, I = {1 - } = {1 - }= .57 amps c) Determine the current...This is also true of the current through the circuit. Ultimately, at full charge, the voltage, ideally, becomes equal to that of the charging battery. In the case of LR circuits, the same is true of the current that increases exponentially according to Kirchoff's Current Rule. Transiently, when the switch is put on, the change in current is opposed by the back emf (rate of opposition decreases exponentially) until, at 5 time constant values, at 1 % accuracy, the change stops and the current reaches steady state. (Multi-loop Circuits, 1999) = (for an integrating circuit), Here, is the time constant which represents the minimum time the system needs to make significant change in voltage, charge and current. It is also called the 'resistor decay' and has the value 'RC' where 'R' is the resistance value in the circuit and 'C' is the capacitance value. In this case the capacitor is being discharged and the voltage drops from the maximum at t=0 to almost 0 when the discharge is complete. The drop is exponential as per Kirchoff's Voltage Rule. This time the voltage at time t is = = {}(for a differentiating circuit). a) Draw to scale waveforms to show the growth and decay of the current in L and the voltages across the two components R and L when the switch is operated to the left at t = 0 seconds and returned to the right after 5 seconds. While rising the current tends towards the maximum o