Monday, December 30, 2019

Life Styles Inventory ( Lsi ) - 1310 Words

Life Skills Inventory Analysis Who are we? How do we think and behave? What is the impact of our thinking and behaving styles professionally and personally? How do we change these styles? These are the questions we ask as leaders. The Life Styles Inventoryâ„ ¢ (LSI) is a tool designed to answer these questions. It is a tool â€Å"used to identify a person’s strengths and improvement areas focusing on beliefs, values, behaviors and assumptions about yourself† (Human Synergistics International, 2010). After completing the assessment, the results provide insight into an individual’s various styles, the impact to others, suggestions to change and there benefits. This narrative is an analysis of my results, how these styles are manifested in my life, and what actions. Personal Thinking Styles Primary Style After completing the Life Style Inventory, I was classified in the constructive cluster, whom will â€Å"reflect self-enhancing thinking and behavior that contribute to one s level of satisfaction, ability to develop healthy relationships and work effectively with people, and proficiency at accomplishing tasks† (Human Synergistics International, 2010). Within the constructive style, my primary thinking style is identified as an affiliate, who â€Å"reflects an interest in developing and sustaining pleasant relationships† (Human Synergistics International, 2010). Professionally, I have demonstrated this style as I have developed relationships and networks necessary to resolve issues,Show MoreRelatedLife Style Inventory (Lsi)1820 Words   |  8 PagesPart I: Personal Thinking Styles My primary thinking style is dependent. This style fell into the high range of the LSI Style Circumplex with a 96 percentile score. Dependent thinking style is originates in a need for security and self-protection: dependent people typically feel that they have very little control over their lives. This type of behavior may be long-standing, or due to temporary life changes such as a new job, a promotion, an illness, or the break-up of a close relationship. WhenRead MoreLife Styles Inventory ( Lsi )1846 Words   |  8 PagesLife Skills Inventory Analysis Who are we? How do we think and behave? What is the impact of our thinking and behaving styles professionally and personally? How do we change these styles? These are the questions we ask as leaders. The Life Styles Inventoryâ„ ¢ (LSI) is a tool to help answer these questions and develop a plan to address. It is â€Å"a survey that measures the connection between thinking and behaving and its impact on performance. It is used to identify a person’s strengths and improvementRead MoreLsi Life Styles Inventory Paper1768 Words   |  8 PagesGM 591 Yvonne Hobbs LSI Paper The life styles inventory is a survey of questions that help us to gain an insight into our own personality and what type of behaviors we exert to others as individuals. It helps us to look at the positive and negative qualities of our personalities and ways to improve upon them. A look at my LSI styles complex radiates that my primary thinking style is linked to the avoidance category. The avoidance scale states that I tend to use the strategy of withdrawalRead MoreLife Styles Inventory (Lsi) Survey1945 Words   |  8 Pages GM591- LSI Survey Life Styles Inventory (LSI) Survey GM591 ACC_C Miles DVUC MNHTN Leadership and Organizational Behavior July 22, 2011 Abstract This paper reviews Lifetime Inventory survey results. It is definitely the self discovery tool that has revealed my primary and secondary thinking styles as well as my limiting style that has a negative impact on my management style. It also gave me a feedRead MoreEssay on Gm591 - Life Styles Inventory (Lsi) Results1486 Words   |  6 Pages[pic] GM 591: Life Styles Inventory – Survey results for John Hastings Instructor: Rick Roechnes Date: 09-JAN-2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Introduction 3 2.0 Personal Thinking Styles (Part I) 3 2.1 Primary thinking Back up thinking style 4 2.2 Limiting thinking style 4 3.0 Impact on Management Style (Part II) 5 3.1 Planning 5 3.2 Organizing 6 3.3 Leading 6 3.4 Controlling 6 4.0 Genesis of Personal Styles (Part III) 6 5.0 ConclusionRead MoreLsi Paper1065 Words   |  5 PagesDifferences - LSI LSI Assignment Guidelines Developing a willingness and ability to engage in self-reflection is a critical leadership skill that is not easily learned yet which reaps many rewards. The LSI enables you to examine your own unique way of thinking and how it influences your behavior. Your Assignment: Complete (on your own) the LSI according to the procedure outlined here, so that you end up with your Life Styles Circumplex profile: 12 personal thinking style scores, one scoreRead MoreLsi Paper761 Words   |  4 PagesMy result Life Styles Inventory (LSI) paper September 9, 2013 The life Styles Inventory (LSI) is developed by Dr. J. Clayton Lafferty. LSI are measures 12 specific styles of patterns of thinking that can either help or hinder a person from reaching his or her potential. The 12 styles measures by LSI are organized into three general clusters: Constructive, Passive/Defensive, Aggressive/Defensive. Research has shown that the styles measures by the LSI are related to a number of indicators of effectivenessRead MoreLsi Paper1622 Words   |  7 PagesLSI PAPER Richard Timian Leadership and Organizational Behavior Friday, September 14, 2007 Introduction The Life Styles Inventory (LSI) is a self-assessment diagnostic instrument that measures 12 key thinking patterns, or styles. The LSI promotes performance change and improvement by increasing personal understanding of ones thinking and behavior. By responding to these 240 inventory items, individuals learn exactly where they need to focus their development efforts, without ambiguityRead MoreMgmt 591 - Life Styles Inventory Assignment930 Words   |  4 PagesLife Styles Inventory Assignment Traya Ransom MGMT591 – Leadership and Organizational Behavior Brett Gordon November 11, 2012 This paper discusses the content Life Styles Inventory (LSI) results for Traya Ransom. It identifies her primary, backup, and limiting thinking styles, the impact her personal styles have on her management style, and it also explains how she developed the personal styles that were reveled in her LSI. The LSI results are shown on page 5. PrimaryRead MoreLife Styles Inventory852 Words   |  3 Pagescharacteristics through employment and life. Just graduating college in April 2013, I myself did not contain a plethora of work experience; therefore, I could not name all five characteristics corresponding to what she asked. Dr. John Doe created the Life Styles Inventory (LSI) assignment; the purpose of this assessment is for people to receive a better understanding of oneself. As stated form the LSI website, Life Styles Inventory (LSI) measures 12 specific styles of patterns of thinking that can either

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Time Stands Still(play) By Donald Margulies Example

Essays on Time Stands Still(play) By Donald Margulies Book Report/Review number Book review The play, â€Å"time stands still,† is about a couple who try to make their affiliation work after theIraq war. It revolves around two couples Sarah and James, and Richard and Mandy. James is a writer while Sarah is a photojournalist. They share a common job covering war zone areas. While on duty, Sarah survived an explosion and is discharged from hospital. The explosion left Sarah’s face with a scar and almost made her to lose her leg. She has to reunite with her long-term lover. However, there is a problem with their relationship related to the Sarah’s success. Richard, an ally to Sarah and James, is their editor at a magazine. Richard is dating Mandy who is an event organizer at a tender age of twenty-three. Sarah feels Mandy’s job is less of a challenge compared to her career. Sarah has to choose between having a regular life and going back to the cover news in war zone. She says that Mandy’s job is rather childish when she qu otes, â€Å"there’s the young and there’s the embryotic.† James has spent most of his career documenting the mayhems of battle and as a freelancing writer. He is of the opinion that people have not learnt anything from the war. He says the wars consume people and turn their perspective towards life (Margulies, 24). The costumes used by the cast symbolized the various roles they undertook. Richard’s attire was more stylish. His sky blue shirt and brown khaki pants made him to appear more senior than James. James wore blue jeans and brown striped shirt which indicated he was a freelancer, as opposed to suits and ties which are normally worn by office employees. Sarah’s costume did blend in with the play. She had a grey sweater and jeans which gave her an elderly look compared to Mandy. The leg cast, crutches and the red scar on Sarah’s face demonstrate how severe the explosion was. The stage is set up to bring in the old Brooklyn apartment by using the window backdrop and the cabinet. The seats, the wall portrait, the wooden table bring the home effect into the play. The teacup used by James when talking to Richard shows that it is truly a home. The play would be better if Mandy’s attire were up-to-date. Instead of the long leather boots and spotted dress, maybe some heels and nice modern suit would showcase the event organizing aspect better. The actor’s performance managed to get Donald Margulies thought. They managed to own their individual roles. James and Sarah’s final marriage marks the climax of the play (Margulies, 58).Works CitedMargulies, Donald. Times Stands Still. New York: Dramatists Play Service, 2011.Print.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Nuclear Power Plants the Efficient Danger Lurking Free Essays

string(125) " uranium fuel pellets or sealed metal rods, but some radioactive substances are released into H2O used for chilling intents\." Nuclear Power Plants: the efficient danger skulking Abstraction Electricity is used in every domain of our lives, both domestic and industrial. All throughout these old ages, worlds have harnessed electricity from dodo fuel which is a non renewable beginning of energy. If we keep utilizing these resources, the hereafter coevals will happen themselves with no more of it left. We will write a custom essay sample on Nuclear Power Plants: the Efficient Danger Lurking or any similar topic only for you Order Now Hence alternate beginnings of bring forthing electricity demand to be developed instantly, sooner 1s that are eco friendly. Nuclear power is a promising alternate since it is a clean and comparatively safe beginning. In this paper we have explored the pros and cons of this energy beginning. Contentss The Current Energy Scenario Aim of this paper Types of Nuclear Power Plants Light Water Reactors Heavy Water Reactors Gas Cooled Reactors Working of Nuclear Power Plant Development of Nuclear Power Global Scenario of Nuclear Power Nuclear Power Plants in India Execution of Laws for Regulating the Use of Nuclear Energy The Non-Proliferation Treaty Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty The Nuclear Liability Bill Environmental Impacts of Nuclear Power Plants ( Including the most recent atomic disaster—The Fukushima incident. ) Nuclear Power against Renewable Energy Development Discussion Mentions The Current Energy Scenario India’s energy scenario has a mix of both renewable and non renewable resources and the laterality of coal based power workss are most likely traveling to go on in the hereafter. At present 54 % of the entire electricity coevals capacity depends on coal based or thermic power workss and over 70 % of it is produced in thermic workss. Other renewable beginnings of energy like air current, hydroelectric power and geothermic energy history for around 2 % of the generated electricity. Nuclear power contributes to one per cent. Electricity produced by atomic fission, that is, the splitting of atoms is one of the best utilizations of atomic energy. In a state like ours where electricity is used for all sorts of twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours activities, we need a safe, clean and low-cost beginning for it and atomic energy seems to be the reply for it. We depend on electricity for assorted intents and therefore we use about one tierce of our energy resources for the production of electricity.[ 3 ] [ 4 ] 2. Objective of this paper The aim of this paper is to find the feasibleness of Nuclear Power Plants against other beginnings of tackling electricity. 3. Types of Nuclear Power Plants There are many different types of atomic power workss which use different ways to utilize the atomic fission to bring forth electricity. Most of these turn H2O into steam and so utilize the steam or gas to revolve the turbine. 3.1 Light H2O reactors Light H2O reactors are those that use the most purified type of H2O, besides called â€Å"light water† and are either Boiling Water Reactors ( BWR ) or Pressurized Water Reactors ( PWR ) . In instance of the more normally used PWR, the H2O for chilling the atomic fuel is kept at a higher force per unit area so that it does non turn into steam but is used to in bend convert a secondary supply of H2O into steam which is so used to turn the steam turbine. Boiling Water Reactors the H2O is straight converted to steam which is so used to revolve the turbine and produce electricity. The Fukushima Daiichi atomic power workss in Japan use this sort of reactor. In fact these are reasonably popular in Japan, UK and US. 3.2 Heavy Water Reactors Heavy H2O reactors use H2O in which the H has an excess neutron and it is called Deuterium. It allows the atomic fuel to be in its natural province, and passes through the nucleus of the reactor, chilling it. It is so used to heat up the light H2O and change over it to steam which runs the turbines. The heavy H2O is used as a moderator to decelerate down the fission reactions in the power works. Since it allows the atomic fuel to be in its natural province, the Uranium does non hold to be processed but can stay in its pure province. It is therefore one of the most efficient moderators. 3.3 Gas Cooled Reactors Gas cooled reactors or High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactors ( HTGR ) usage gas as a coolant and besides to run the turbine. Gass like He and C dioxide are used to chill the reactor nucleuss and because of their low polar denseness they may be harnessed for utilizing atomic energy outside the field of power workss, like in transit, etc. These reactors have a really high thermic efficiency and can be used at really high temperatures. Each little pebble has its really ain construction of containment which makes a stronger barrier between radioactive substances and environment. However, they have disadvantages excessively. Since they operate at such high temperatures, it is difficult to happen stuffs that remain stable in such an environment. Furthermore, since gas is a hapless coolant, a batch of it is required for comparatively smaller sums of power. 4. Working of a Nuclear Power Plant A atomic power works uses boiling H2O to bring forth steam that helps to bring forth electricity. A atomic power works has certain similarities with other types of workss that generate electricity but it has many differences every bit good. Normally, most power workss boil H2O and the steam is so used to turn the propellor like blades of the turbine which in bend rotate the shaft of the generator. Inside the generator there are spirals where electric and magnetic Fieldss interact in order to bring forth electricity. The energy required to boil H2O comes from firing coal, oil or gas or splitting of atoms. In atomic power workss, firing or detonation does non take topographic point. Rather, the energy comes from fission reaction. Nuclear power workss use the component Uranium, which emits radioactive atoms. Normally, these are sealed in uranium fuel pellets or sealed metal rods, but some radioactive substances are released into H2O used for chilling intents. You read "Nuclear Power Plants: the Efficient Danger Lurking" in category "Essay examples" This H2O is processed before being released back into the environment.[ 7 ] img alt="C:UsersuserDownloads uclear-PWR.jpg" src=""/ Figure 1: A diagrammatic representation of a atomic power works. ( 5. Development of Nuclear Power The American Nuclear attempt was started by President Roosevelt and was called the Manhattan undertaking and the University of Chicago witnessed the world’s foremost atomic reactor. For all the advantages that are attached to atomic power workss, its development is surely no reasonably narrative. President Roosevelt pursued the usage of atomic power in the devising of bombs. These were worked on over in secret in Los Alamos, New Mexico until they were ready to be tested someplace. During this period, World War II raged on against Japan. Subsequently as we all know, Hiroshima and Nagasaki became the guinea hogs for the testing of the Atom Bomb. America developed a batch of cognition about atomic power after World War II. By 1954, it was ready to establish a five twelvemonth plan to construct a on the job atomic power works and by 1958, it was completed in Shippingport, Pennsylvania. It had the capacity to bring forth 60,000 kWs of electricity. And therefore the alternate usage of atomic energy came into being.[ 1 ] 6. Global scenario of Nuclear Power On 29June2013, it was declared by the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency ( IAEA ) that â€Å"nuclear power will do a important and turning part to sustainable development in the coming decades† at the Ministerial Conference in St. Petersburg in Russia. At the same clip, theWorld Nuclear Industry Status Report 2013( WNISR ) shows us the behaviour and current state of affairs of this industry that has seldom been able to populate up to its promises. By mid-2013, 31 states were runing atomic fission reactors for energy intents. Nuclear power workss generated 2,346TWh of electricity in 2012. It was less than what was produced in 1999 and had a 172TWh or 6.8 per centum lessening compared to 2011.It was besides 11.8percent below the historic maximal atomic coevals in 2006. The upper limit that atomic power contributed to commercial coevals of electricity was 17 per cent which took topographic point in 1997. The alleged â€Å"big five† atomic power bring forthing countries—the United States, France, Russia, South Korea and Germany—generated 67percent of all atomic electricity in the universe. The three states that have abolished the usage of atomic power, Italy, Kazakhstan and Lithuania every bit good as Armenia generated their historic upper limit of atomic electricity in the 1980s. Among the states with a steady addition in atomic coevals are China, the Czech Republic and Russia. There are a sum of 29 states that are presently developing atomic power plans for the first clip harmonizing to the International Status and Prospects for Nuclear Power 2012by the IAEA. It besides states that the three states that have ordered atomic power workss are the United Arab Emirates ( UAE ) , Turkey and Belarus. Besides, a start-up day of the month for first power before 2030 was suggested by 9 states, which are non listed by the IAEA but will most likely include the 1s mentioned above including Bangladesh, Jordan, Lithuania, Poland, Saudi Arabia and Vietnam.[ 8 ] 7. Nuclear Power Plants in India There are 20 atomic power reactors that India operates. These have a entire capacity of 4.4GW and 220MW per unit. In 2012, 29.6TWh was produced by atomic power but it covered merely 3.6 % of India’s electricity. In 2001/02 when atomic power coevals was merely about 17TWh, it had already covered around 3.7 % . So the difference wasn’t that important. There are presently seven units under building with a capacity of 4.8GW. In 1974, India conducted a series of atomic trials which broke off the foreign atomic cooperation, and cut off all the support from Canada. In 1998, another series of trials shocked the international community and resulted in Pakistan following our footfalls and carry oning trials of their ain. The province of personal businesss changed rather a spot, following the India-US trade of 2005 which took topographic point under the disposal of George W Bush. The IAEA approved of a â€Å"safeguard agreement† that made an exclusion for India. Therefore, although India is non a signed member of the NPT, it has continued to develop and keep a atomic arms plan, and refuses full-scope precautions. It is still permitted to have atomic aid and to transport out atomic commercialism with other states. In December 2010, two EPRs were traveling to be set up, as agreed by the Nuclear Power Commission of India Ltd and AREVA in a part called Jaitapur. But it received monolithic resistance. The Fukushima catastrophe fueled the fires even more. Similarly two Russian operations in Kudankulam came to a standstill because of high resistance. However in malice of all these, the Indian authorities still remains purpose on maintaining the atomic workss working.[ 8 ] 8. Execution of Laws for Regulating the Use of Nuclear Energy 8.1 The Nonproliferation Treaty The pact on Non Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons or the Non Proliferation pact seeks to control the spread of atomic arms and advance the usage of atomic power for civil utilizations and gradual atomic disarming in states that have developed atomic arm engineering. A sum of one hundred and 90 states have joined this pact. Harmonizing to this pact, five states are considered to be atomic arm provinces and they are the USA, UK, China, France and Russia. Even though this pact seeks to convey approximately peace, it hasn’t really much succeeded in atomic disarming in the atomic arm provinces.[ 5 ] 8.2 Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty The Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty or CTBT is planetary prohibition on the testing of atomic explosives whether for military or other civil intents. It came into force in 1996. However non all provinces that signed the pact have ratified it and a few provinces including India have non signed it at all. Therefore, there have been atomic trials that are being carried on in malice of these steps being taken against them.[ 5 ] 8.3 The Nuclear Liability Bill The Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage Bill, 2010 or the Nuclear Liability Bill talks about the mechanism for compensation for those victims who have suffered from a atomic catastrophe. The chief constituents of the measure are written below. It specifies the liabilities for atomic harm and references the processs for compensation. The Bill mentions a no-fault liability for private operators and gives them an chance to fall back to alternative agencies against certain people. The liability cap is Rs 500 crore. If the sum goes above that, the Cardinal authorities becomes apt. All the operators, with the exclusion of the Cardinal authorities should hold insurances or other fiscal options to cover their liabilities. In instance of authorities owned undertakings, the full liability up to 300 SDR will hold to be taken attention of by the authorities itself. The Bill references who can claim to be compensated along with the organic structures that decide the sum of compensation. Those non following with these commissariats will be penalized. There are a batch of drawbacks of the Nuclear Liability Bill. The compensation may non be plenty for the victims ; it withholds India’s entree to international financess and is besides really low as compared to other states. In instance of authorities owned workss, the liability cap mentioned may non be needed at all. This makes it ill-defined as to whether the authorities intends for private operators to have these workss at all. The environmental harm is notified by the authorities. In such instances, there might be struggles created sing those instances where the authorities itself is party to liability. Besides, the clip period of 10 old ages for compensation is barely adequate for victims of atomic harm. The portion that talks about the resort those operators may fall back to does non fit with certain international Torahs. Hence many parts of the measure are ill-defined, unjust and debatable.[ 6 ] 9. Environmental Impacts of Nuclear Power Plants Even though atomic power workss are regulated and controlled by province and federal Torahs, there are still assorted jeopardies related to them. There’s no release of harmful gases like C dioxide, sulfur dioxide etc during the power coevals procedure but the U excavation and extraction does take to the same. 2. Water is an indispensable ingredient for atomic power workss as it is used for steam every bit good as chilling and big measures of H2O are removed from natural H2O organic structures which can harm aquatic life and make ecological instability. 3. The H2O used in the workss gets contaminated with heavy metals and salts. Their temperature excessively, goes much higher as they are used for chilling, taking to thermic pollution. Some sum of radioactive affair may besides be present in the H2O that is released in the environment. 4. Waste generated from uranium excavation procedure can pollute both land H2O every bit good as surface H2O with heavy metals and salts. 5. Every 18 to twenty four months atomic power workss need to close down and the exhausted U demands to be removed and replaced. It therefore becomes radioactive waste. Some sum of radioactive waste is besides generated during the extraction of U from uranium ore. 6. Any dislocation in the system like failure of coolants, temblors, etc may take to a extremely risky atomic catastrophe which may take away the lives of 100s of people shacking in the locality, as have been witnessed many times in the yesteryear, the most recent of which is the Fukushima catastrophe in Japan.[ 3 ] The Fukushima Disaster The Great East Japan temblor of magnitude 9.0, that took topographic point on March 11, 2011 followed by a tsunami, caused great harm to the part and besides led to the most recent atomic catastrophe. Eleven atomic reactors were runing at that clip and all of them shut down when the tsunami hit. The chief job took topographic point in the Fukushima Daiichi unit. The reactors proved to be robust against the seismal onslaught but it was the Tsunami that led to the job. The power from a backup system was available to chill down the reactors in eight of the 11 units, and they managed to accomplish ‘cold shutdown’ . However the other three at the Fukushima Daiichi units, lost all power and were flooded with a 15 metres tsunami. All the generators and heat money changers were handicapped and therefore the reactors had no manner to be cooled. Therefore it took many hebdomads for the heat remotion in these reactors and the spent and overheated fuel fonds. These were done by Tepco employers, few contractors, firemen and military forces. These people had lost their places and households in the Tsunami and were set abouting great personal hazards themselves in order to stabilise these workss. A hard-boiled and fully fledged exigency response for the dislocation couldn’t be used because of the built-in dangers of radioactive taint. There have been no casualties or harm due to radioactive taint, but about 160,000 people had to be evacuated from the country and merely a limited few could return by 2012. By October 2013 about 81,000 people still remained evacuated because of authorities concerns sing the effects of radiation.[ 2 ] [ 4 ] 10. Nuclear Power against Renewable Energy Development In 2012, there was a little lessening in the investing in renewable energy development but it still continues to rapid growing in many states. The three greatest economic systems, China, Japan and Germany every bit good as India now generate much more electricity from renewable beginnings than atomic power. Investing:In 2011, the entire planetary investing in renewable energy was 300 billion dollars. While China increased its investing by 20 per cent some other large participants like Germany and Italy reduced theirs marginally. However a batch of smaller states like South Africa increased their investing and brought about a important addition. Installed Capacity:Since 2000, the one-year growing rates for onshore wind power have averaged 27percent and for solar photovoltaics 42percent in a planetary graduated table. This has led to 45Giga Wattss ( GW ) of air current power and 32 GW of solar power being installed in 2012, compared to a sum of 1.2GW of atomic power. Electricity Coevals:In 2012 atomic power generated 100terawatt-hours ( TWh ) less than the production in 2000 while air current produced about 500TWh and solar power about 100TWh more. For the first clip, China and India produced more electricity from air current energy than from atomic power workss. At the same clip solar electricity in China grew by 400 % in one twelvemonth.[ 8 ] 11. Discussion The biggest advantage of atomic power workss is that they are a clean and reliable beginning of electricity. They do non bring forth nursery gases that pollute the environment and have a safety record that is much better than most other power workss. However some conservationists still wonder if it’s all that safe particularly after the recent catastrophe at Fukushima. Was it a warning against future usage of this method? There are much safer ways of bring forthing electricity and atomic power is non the lone manner. The statistics as discussed above show that renewable beginnings of energy have equal if non more possible than atomic power. Is put on the lining lives and environment merely for the interest of efficiency truly worth the piece? 12. Mentions The World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2013 How to cite Nuclear Power Plants: the Efficient Danger Lurking, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Big city or small town free essay sample

Today I’d like to say something about big city and small town. It sounds charming to see stars at night, to plant fruits in the garden, or to picnic on the lawn, rural life distinguished itself in being closer to nature. But truth to be told, living close to nature also means that there will be plenty of animals and insects visiting your home and vegetation. Surely Fish is more inclined to enjoy itself in marine environment instead of being stuck in a small pond. So are humans. City born and city bred, the quiet life of country has never appealed to me and I fancy the adventurous and splendid life of city. To begin with, living in a big city can enjoy the best services and entertainment as well as more opportunities. In a megalopolis, the government and wealthy people  have invested lots of capital and resources in providing people with fabulous facilities, services and infrastructure like big cinemas, theatres, stadiums, big shopping malls, the best medical services, good education resources, uncountable restaurants, theme parks, museums, convenient transport systems, etc, resulting in more job opportunities and choices. We will write a custom essay sample on Big city or small town or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page These are all rarely found in small towns as most of them are located in suburbs where population density is low and transportation is poor, so it will be very boring and inconvenient to live in a small town. In addition, living in a metropolis can broaden your horizons. With a very dense population, big cities such as New York contain a diverse realm of ideas and innovations, as well as different high valued cultural activities and lifestyles. There are uncountable things to do, thousands of all sorts of unique or strange or interesting people to meet, and numerous places to visit every day, and much more opportunities to explore various cultures and knowledge. On the other hand, a small town has a strong homogeneity, in which all people in the town share similar ideas and attitudes, so what people in a small town can experience and learn is limited to the town: what you can know are only the ideas of your neighbors, who you can meet are only the people from the same town, where you can go are only the areas nearby! Only in the big city can people satisfy their curiosity of the outside world, their thirst for knowledge and their eagerness of gaining different experiences. Last but not least, a big city is vibrant while a small town is comparatively boring. In small towns, people usually live a stable, slow and simple lifestyle, which consists of very little changes in everyday life. However, in a big city, citizens live and work at a fast pace. People in big cities can therefore enjoy a more exciting, glamorous and productive life. Although a hurrying lifestyle may cause great pressure to the people involved, the invigorating life it brings about is very attractive. Although some people may argue that small towns have less pollution and are close to nature. Life there seems delightful but it will absolutely be very dull for youngsters like us to repeat the same simple and relax living style day and night. I embrace challenges and new things more, so despite the concentrated pollution and distance from the natural world, I still fancy the life in a big city. All in all, the life of a city dweller is more adventurous and splendid, while the life in small towns is rather simple and plain. Hence, small towns may be a good choice for retired, but not energetic university students like us. Thank you very much!