Monday, September 30, 2019

Nat Result Essay

Philippine Constitution affirms that education is the birth right of all Filipinos. This means that education should be available to all Filipinos whatever their age, creed, abilities, social and economic status. Educating all Filipino is very great challenge to our educational system. Addressing this Constitutional pronouncement need the dedication and commitment of all teachers that considerably carries the responsibility and accountable to process learning and see to it that pupils attained satisfaction of their rights regardless of their age, creed, abilities, social and economic status. To determine the child’s performance and competence of teacher standardized test as NAT is the high-flying instrument to measure both performance. The bases whether pupils perform well and mastered the required competencies of said school which also the manifestation of the quality of the teachers present in a particular school, and assumption to be competent in local , national, and global viewpoint. Statement of the Problem This study sought to describe and analyse the performance of Del Hilado Elementary School (DES) grade III pupils in Science on the National Achievement Test (NAT) for the SY 2010 – 2011. Furthermore, this study aims to trace up the history of performance of Del Hilado Elementary School (DHES) grade III pupils in National Achievement Test (NAT) three years backward and to determine the competency that mostly grade III pupils find hard to master. Finally, design an intervention program that focuses the grade III pupils to get grips the competency. Specifically, the study answered the following questions: 1. What is the relationship of teaching strategies to the performance of Del Hilado Elementary School Grade III pupils on the NAT? 2. What is the relationship between the School’s Post-test in Grade III in Science as measured by the Nat? 3. How is Science taught in school? Scope and Delimitation This study is primarily concern with the performance of Del Hilado Elementary School (DHES) grade III pupils in Science of the National Achievement Test. In particular with the competency of Science which pupils find difficulties to be au faith with. In addition this study aims to ascertain the causative factor of the low performance of Del Hilado Elementary School of grade III pupils in Science on National Achievement Test (NAT). Teachers’ competence * Materials * Assessment tools and facilities Significance of the Study This study provide insights to the school administrator to be focus and develop a leadership style that would encourage everyone, brought awareness the problem that causes the deterioration of the performance of Del Hilado Elementary School (DHES) grade III pupils on the National Achievement Test (NAT) predominantly in Science. Through this document teachers will able to reflect, evaluate her/his failures and made necessary variation to be effective. The result of this study will also serve to gain more insights for the principal and teachers to work with the following: 1. Bringing classroom level to national level 2. Improve performance of Grade III pupils in Science 3. Enhance teachers’ strategies in teaching Science. Consequently, generates concerted effort and mutual furtherance among the school personnel and apparently parents. Definition of terms Standard deviation – a measurement of variability and clustering around the mean. Mean – also known as the arithmetic mean, a value that helps summarize an entire set of numbers. A set’s mean is calculated by adding the numbers in the set together and dividing their sum by the number of members of the set. Mean Percentage Score (MPS) – mean divided by the number of cases times 100. NAT – National Achievement test standardized test that administered by the national to measure the pupils’ mastery in the competency and also may reflect the teachers performance . An examination that measures the extent to which a person has acquired certain information or mastered certain skills, usually as a result of specific instruction. Performance – accomplishment of something prescribe by the department (teaching, exams)| The accomplishment of a given task measured against preset known standards of accuracy, completeness, cost, and speed. In a contract, performance is deemed to be the fulfilment of an obligation, in a manner that releases the performer from all liabilities under the contract. | Science – systematic study of anything that can be examined, tested, and verified. The word science is derived from the Latin word scire, meaning â€Å"to know. From its early beginnings, science has developed into one of the greatest and most influential fields of human endeavour. Today different branches of science investigate almost everything that can be observed or detected, and science as a whole shapes the way we understand the universe, our planet, ourselves, and other living things School – an institution of teaching children. Post-test – a school based test that administered towards th e end of the year a summative test that covers all from the very first lesson to the last. Child – a young human being between birth and puberty. Teacher – is a person who provides education for pupils or students. who facilitates education for an individual may also be described as a personal tutor, or, largely historically, a governess. The role of teachers, school heads and school counsellors in continuous assessment is quite different according to each one. The teacher’s role is to give his students the opportunity to assess their own skills and to be able to improve their levels and it’s at the same time a ool for the teacher to know exactly what are his students’ needs and weaknesses and to remediate to them in an efficient way. For the school heads and school counsellors their role is to supervise teachers and help them carry out their assessment in good working conditions so that it achieve its aim which is improving students’ performance and learning. Principal – head teacher or the manger in a school whose duty def ine as a leader, communicator, moderator and other functions that constitutes as a senior in the school. Review of Related Literature Ogden Lindsley, make classroom instruction in science called Precision teaching. An approach is teaching that emphasizes behaviour or performance. An instrument scientifically designed to elicit correct and rapid performance for feedback and positive reinforcement following appropriate behaviour. According to the following, Benet and Simon (1996), Wechsler (1975), R. L. Thorndike (1913), Guilford (1985), and Grander (1983) suggested that intelligence is a global aspects of one’s personality. Accordingly, intelligence can conclude not only abilities to learn academic subjects, deal with abstraction, and solve problems but also the ability to withstand stress and distractions, be motivated, remain emotionally stable, be interested in learning, be socially competent and display physical grace. What teachers need to know about learning? Intrinsic motivation – is what influences learners to choose a task get energized about it, and persist until they accomplish it successfully regardless of whether it brings on immediate rewards. A motivation to engage in activity for its own sake. Attribution theory – a perspective of motivation that assumes that people seek to understand why they succeed or fails. Self-efficacy theory – an appraisal or evaluation that a person makes about his or her personal competence to succeed at a particular task; an individual’s personal expectations, internal standards and self-concept. Self-determination – an appearance that holds that an attitude of determination is the foundation for motivated behaviour. For the past 20 years, public opinion has identified field of lack of discipline as the number one problem facing beginning teachers. The overwhelming majority of beginning teachers routinely express concerns about classroom control and frequently experience discipline problems during their initial months and year in the classroom (Rogan, Borich, ;amp; Taylor, 1992). Much more those teachers that only gained units of education to qualify as a teacher. According to Slavin: Leaving aside for a moment the special case of acceleration, nearly all researchers would agree that the achievement effects of between-class ability grouping (tracking) for all students are small to nil. What does this say to the practitioner? Since arguments for ability for grouping depend entirely on the belief that grouping increases achievement, the absence of such evidence undermines any rationale for the practice. The harm done by ability groups, I believe, lies not primarily in effects on achievement but in other impacts on low and average achievers. For example, low tracks students are more likely to be delinquent or to drop out of the school than similar low achievers not in low track (Wiatrowski, Hansell, Massey, ;amp; Wilson, 1982). Perhaps, most important, tracking works agints our national ideology that all created equal and our desire to be one nation. The fact that African-American, Hispanic, and low socioeconomic students in general wind up so often in the low tracks is repugnant on its face. Why would we want organized our schools this way if we have no evidence that it helps students to learn? (Slavin, 1991,p. 70) The question of Quality education is not new to us as Philippine Education is concern; Philippine Educational System is a product of over research kind of educational system to compete internationally, particularly at the basic or primary level is now very much on the world agenda.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

The Big Switch

The president of our company has brought to our attention that he would appreciate it if our department could create a new information system for our company. The current information system that we use is Microsoft Excel and we need to create a way to transfer and implement the new office system of Microsoft Access. We need to explain the current downsides to using Microsoft Excel and explain the positive ways by using Microsoft Access that will help our company grow, expand, and be more efficient to our company. We also need to come up with software that is compatible to Microsoft Access just to have a contingency plan, in case the president is not pleased with the results we research and to help improve the internal communications along with help make the workflow of the sales department improve. We do know that the current plan is not working for our company and we need to all work diligently to improve our current system and make the transition easy. Microsoft office is a great tool and Excel, when used properly, is a valuable asset. The problem with Microsoft Excel is that there are various manual inputs that can go wrong. Other common problems that can cause an error involve not using a colon to indicate a range of cells, forgetting to close your parentheses, and adding common formats as part of the formula (Murray, 2013). The formulas that Excel uses would be complicated to track everything. (Murray, 2013) It is also very difficult to track the history of changes that our company uses has it moves forward. This would not only hinder the company but could possibly cause miscommunication of the data inputted. (Murray, 2013) These reasons stated above are why the company should not use the Excel program to move forward in the progression of the company. With Access, it is a relational database association that exists between the tables, which stores the data. These help to maintain the integrity of the data contained within. Access can store tons of data in different forms and yet still intertwine for easy referencing and analyzing. (Microsoft, 2013) Access is also great for the business since it has the ability to manage contacts, track inventory, track orders, and events. (Microsoft, 2013) One great feature about Access is that multiple users can have it opened working on the same database and only what the other person is working on is locked. Microsoft, 2013) This allows several people to input their data at the same time and it is secure. Conclusion As one can see there are far more advantages using Microsoft Access verses using Microsoft Excel. Access is more suited for our company’s needs now. Using Access will cut down on our company’s mistakes. This will utilize and maximize our company’s growth. This will increase the employee production. In the long run, Access will make the company’s bottom line profit grow, which at the end of the day is the most important thing.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balance: Introduction to Body Fluids Essay

   Fluid Compartments Water occupies two main fluid compartments Intracellular fluid (ICF) – about two thirds by volume, contained in cells Extracellular fluid (ECF) – consists of two major subdivisions Plasma – the fluid portion of the blood Interstitial fluid (IF) – fluid in spaces between cells Other ECF – lymph, cerebrospinal fluid, eye humors, synovial fluid, serous fluid, and gastrointestinal secretions Extracellular and Intracellular Fluids Water is the universal solvent Solutes are broadly classified into: Electrolytes – inorganic salts, all acids and bases, and some proteins Electrolytes determine the chemical and physical reactions of fluids Electrolytes have greater osmotic power than nonelectrolytes Water moves according to osmotic gradients Nonelectrolytes – examples include glucose, lipids, creatinine, and urea Each fluid compartment of the body has a distinctive pattern of electrolytes Extracellular fluids are similar (except for high protein content of plasma) Sodium is the chief cation Chloride is the major anion Intracellular fluids have low sodium and chloride Potassium is the chief cation Phosphate is the chief anion Proteins, phospholipids, cholesterol, and neutral fats account for: 90% of the mass of solutes in plasma 60% of the mass of solutes in interstitial fluid 97% of the mass of solutes in the intracellular compartment Fluid Movement Among Compartments Compartmental exchange is regulated by osmotic and hydrostatic pressures Net leakage of fluid from the blood is picked up by lymphatic vessels and returned to the bloodstream Exchanges between interstitial and intracellular fluids are complex due to the selective permeability of the cellular membranes Two-way water flow is substantial Ion fluxes are restricted and move selectively by active transport Nutrients, respiratory gases, and wastes move unidirectionally Plasma is the only fluid that circulates throughout the body and links external and internal environments Osmolalities of all body fluids are equal; changes in solute concentrations are quickly followed by osmotic changes Water Balance and ECF Osmolality To remain properly hydrated, water intake must equal water output Water intake sources Ingested fluid (60%) and solid food (30%) Metabolic water or water of oxidation (10%) Water output Urine (60%) and feces (4%) Insensible losses (28%), sweat (8%) Increases in plasma osmolality trigger thirst and release of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) Regulation of Water – Homeostaisis Intake – Hypothalmic Thirst Center Thirst is quenched as soon as we begin to drink water Feedback signals that inhibit the thirst centers include: Moistening of the mucosa of the mouth and throat Activation of stomach and intestinal stretch receptors Influence and Regulation of ADH Water reabsorption in collecting ducts is proportional to ADH release Low ADH levels produce dilute urine and reduced volume of body fluids High ADH levels produce concentrated urine Hypothalamic osmoreceptors trigger or inhibit ADH release Factors that specifically trigger ADH release include prolonged fever; excessive sweating, vomiting, or diarrhea; severe blood loss; and traumatic burns Disorders of Water Balance: Dehydration Water loss exceeds water intake and the body is in negative fluid balance Causes include: hemorrhage, severe burns, prolonged vomiting or diarrhea, profuse sweating, water deprivation, and diuretic abuse Signs and symptoms: cottonmouth, thirst, dry flushed skin, and oliguria Prolonged dehydration may lead to weight loss, fever, mental confusion Other consequences include hypovolemic shock and loss of electrolytes Hypotonic Hydration Renal insufficiency or an extraordinary amount of water ingested quickly can lead to cellular overhydration, or water intoxication ECF is diluted – sodium content is normal but excess water is present The resulting hyponatremia promotes net osmosis into tissue cells, causing swelling These events must be quickly reversed to prevent severe metabolic disturbances, particularly in neurons Edema. Atypical accumulation of fluid in the interstitial space, leading to tissue swelling Caused by anything that increases flow of fluids out of the bloodstream or hinders their return. Factors that accelerate fluid loss  include: Increased blood pressure, capillary permeability Incompetent venous valves, localized blood vessel blockage Congestive heart failure, hypertension, high blood volume Hindered fluid return usually reflects an imbalance in colloid osmotic pressures Hypoproteinemia – low levels of plasma proteins Forces fluids out of capillary beds at the arterial ends Fluids fail to return at the venous ends Results from protein malnutrition, liver disease, or glomerulonephritis Blocked (or surgically removed) lymph vessels: Cause leaked proteins to accumulate in interstitial fluid Exert increasing colloid osmotic pressure, which draws fluid from the blood Interstitial fluid accumulation results in low blood pressure and severely impaired circulation Sodium in Fluid and Electrolyte Balance Sodium holds a central position in fluid and electrolyte balance Sodium salts: Account for 90-95% of all solutes in the ECF Contribute 280 mOsm of the total 300 mOsm ECF solute concentration Sodium is the single most abundant cation in the ECF Sodium is the only cation exerting significant osmotic pressure The role of sodium in controlling ECF volume and water distribution in the body is a result of: Sodium being the only cation to exert significant osmotic pressure Sodium ions leaking into cells and being pumped out against their electrochemical gradient Sodium concentration in the ECF normally remains stable Changes in plasma sodium levels affect: Plasma volume, blood pressure ICF and interstitial fluid volumes Renal acid-base control mechanisms are coupled to sodium ion transport Regulation of Sodium Balance: Aldosterone The renin-angiotensin mechanism triggers the release of aldosterone This is mediated by juxtaglomerular apparatus, which releases renin in response to: Sympathetic nervous system stimulation Decreased filtrate osmolality Decreased stretch due to decreased blood pressure Renin catalyzes the production of angiotensin II, which prompts aldosterone release Adrenal cortical cells are directly stimulated to release aldosterone by elevated K+ levels in the ECF Aldosterone brings about its effects (diminished urine output and increased blood volume) slowly Cardiovascular System Baroreceptors Baroreceptors alert the brain of increases in blood volume (hence increased blood pressure) Sympathetic nervous system impulses to the kidneys decline Afferent arterioles dilate Glomerular filtration rate rises Sodium and water output increase This phenomenon, called pressure diuresis, decreases blood pressure Drops in systemic blood pressure lead to opposite actions and systemic blood pressure increases Since sodium ion concentration determines fluid volume, baroreceptors can be viewed as â€Å"sodium receptors† Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP) Reduces blood pressure and blood volume by inhibiting: Events that promote vasoconstriction Na+ and water retention Is released in the heart atria as a response to stretch (elevated blood pressure) Has potent diuretic and natriuretic effects Promotes excretion of sodium and water Inhibits angiotensin II production Influence of Other Hormones on Sodium Balance Estrogens: Enhance NaCl reabsorption by renal tubules May cause water retention during menstrual cycles Are responsible for edema during pregnancy Progesterone: Decreases sodium reabsorption Acts as a diuretic, promoting sodium and water loss Glucocorticoids – enhance reabsorption of sodium and promote edema Regulation of Potassium Balance Relative ICF-ECF potassium ion concentration affects a cell’s resting membrane potential Excessive ECF potassium decreases membrane potential Too little K+ causes hyperpolarization and nonresponsiveness Hyperkalemia and hypokalemia can: Disrupt electrical conduction in the heart Lead to sudden death Hydrogen ions shift in and out of cells Leads to corresponding shifts in potassium in the opposite direction Interferes with activity of excitable cells Influence of Aldosterone Aldosterone stimulates potassium ion secretion by principal cells In cortical collecting ducts, for each Na+ reabsorbed, a K+ is secreted Increased K+ in the ECF around the adrenal cortex causes: Release of aldosterone –>Potassium secretion Potassium controls its own ECF concentration via feedback regulation of aldosterone release Regulation of Calcium Ionic calcium in ECF is important for: Blood clotting Cell membrane permeability Secretory behavior Hypocalcemia: Increases excitability, causes muscle tetany Hypercalcemia: inhibits neurons and muscle cells; cause heart arrhythmias Calcium balance is controlled by parathyroid hormone and calcitonin PTH promotes increase in calcium levels by targeting: Bones – PTH activates osteoclasts to break down bone matrix Small intestine – PTH enhances intestinal absorption of calcium Kidneys – PTH enhances calcium reabsorption and decreases phosphate reabsorption Calcium reabsorption and phosphate excretion go hand in hand Influence of Calcitonin Released in response to rising blood calcium levels Calcitonin is a PTH antagonist, but its contribution to calcium and phosphate homeostasis is minor to negligible Acid Base Balance Introduction to Acids and Bases Strong acids – all their H+ is dissociated completely in water Weak acids – dissociate partially in water and are efficient at preventing pH changes Strong bases – dissociate easily in water and quickly tie up H+ Weak bases – accept H+ more slowly (e.g., HCO3 ¯ and NH3) Normal pH of body fluids Arterial blood is 7.4 Venous blood and interstitial fluid is 7.35 Intracellular fluid is 7.0 Alkalosis or alkalemia – arterial blood pH rises above 7.45 Acidosis or acidemia – arterial pH drops below 7.35 (physiological acidosis) Sources of Hydrogen Ions – Most hydrogen ions originate from cellular metabolism Breakdown of phosphorus-containing proteins releases phosphoric acid into the ECF Anaerobic respiration of glucose produces lactic acid Fat metabolism yields organic acids and ketone bodies Transporting carbon dioxide as bicarbonate releases hydrogen ions Hydrogen Ion Regulation Concentration of hydrogen ions is regulated sequentially by: Chemical buffer systems – act within seconds Physiological buffer systems The respiratory center in the brain stem – acts within 1-3 minutes Renal mechanisms – require hours to days to effect pH changes Chemical Buffer Systems Bicarbonate Buffer System A mixture of carbonic acid (H2CO3) and its salt, sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) (potassium or magnesium bicarbonates work as well) If strong acid is added: Hydrogen ions released combine with the bicarbonate ions and form carbonic acid (a weak acid) The pH of the solution decreases only slightly If strong base is added: It reacts with the carbonic acid to form sodium bicarbonate (a weak base) The pH of the solution rises only slightly This system is the only important ECF buffer Phosphate Buffer System Nearly identical to the bicarbonate system Its components are: Sodium salts of dihydrogen phosphate (H2PO4 ¯), a weak acid Monohydrogen phosphate (HPO42 ¯), a weak base This system is an effective buffer in urine and intracellular fluid Protein Buffer System Plasma and intracellular proteins are the body’s most plentiful and powerful buffers Some amino acids of proteins have: Free organic acid groups (weak acids) Groups that act as weak bases (e.g., amino groups) Amphoteric molecules are protein molecules that can function as both a weak acid and a weak base Physiological Buffer Systems Respiratory Buffer System The respiratory system regulation of acid-base balance is a physiological buffering system There is a reversible equilibrium between: Dissolved carbon dioxide and water Carbonic acid and the hydrogen and bicarbonate ions CO2 + H2O –> H2CO3 –> H+ + HCO3 ¯ During carbon dioxide unloading, hydrogen ions are incorporated into water When hypercapnia or rising plasma H+ occurs: Deeper and more rapid breathing expels more carbon dioxide Hydrogen ion concentration is reduced Alkalosis causes slower, more shallow breathing, causing H+ to increase Respiratory system impairment causes acid-base imbalance (respiratory acidosis or respiratory alkalosis) Renal Mechanisms of Acid-Base Balance Introduction Chemical buffers can tie up excess acids or bases, but they cannot eliminate them from the body The lungs can eliminate carbonic acid by eliminating carbon dioxide Only the kidneys can rid the body of metabolic acids (phosphoric, uric, and lactic acids and ketones) and prevent metabolic acidosis The ultimate acid-base regulatory organs are the kidneys The most important renal mechanisms for regulating acid-base balance are: Conserving (reabsorbing) or generating new bicarbonate ions Excreting bicarbonate ions Losing a bicarbonate ion is the same as gaining a hydrogen ion; reabsorbing a bicarbonate ion is the same as losing a hydrogen ion Hydrogen ion secretion occurs in the PCT Hydrogen ions come from the dissociation of carbonic acid Reabsorption of Bicarbonate CO2 combines with water in tubule cells, forming H2CO3 H2CO3 splits into H+ and HCO3- For each H+ secreted, a Na+ and a HCO3- are reabsorbed by the PCT cells Secreted H+ form H2CO3; thus, HCO3- disappears from filtrate at the same rate that it enters the peritubular capillary blood H2CO3 formed in filtrate dissociates to release CO2 + H2 CO2 then diffuses into tubule cells, where it acts to trigger further H+ secretion Hydrogen Ion Excretion Dietary H+ must be counteracted by generating new HCO3- The excreted H+ must bind to buffers in the urine (phosphate buffer system) Intercalated cells actively secrete H+ into urine, which is buffered and excreted HCO3- generated is: Moved into the interstitial space via a cotransport system Passively moved into the peritubular capillary blood In response to acidosis: Kidneys generate HCO3-and add them to the blood An equal amount of H+ are added to the urine Ammonium Ion (NH4+) Excretion This method uses NH4+ produced by the metabolism of glutamine in PCT cells Each glutamine metabolized produces two ammonium ions and two bicarbonate ions HCO3- moves to the blood and ammonium ions are excreted in urine Respiratory Acidosis and Alkalosis Result from failure of the respiratory system to balance pH PCO2 is the single most important indicator of respiratory inadequacy PCO2 levels – normal PCO2 fluctuates between 35 and 45 mm Hg Values above 45 mm Hg signal respiratory acidosis Values below 35 mm Hg indicate respiratory alkalosis Respiratory acidosis is the most common cause of acid-base imbalance Occurs when a person breathes shallowly, or gas exchange is hampered by diseases such as pneumonia, cystic fibrosis, or emphysema Respiratory alkalosis is a common result of hyperventilation Metabolic Acidosis All pH imbalances except those caused by abnormal blood carbon dioxide levels Metabolic acid-base imbalance – bicarbonate ion levels above or below normal (22-26 mEq/L) Metabolic acidosis is second most common cause of acid-base imbalance Typical causes are ingestion of too much alcohol and excessive loss of bicarbonate ions Other causes include accumulation of lactic acid, shock, ketosis in diabetic crisis, starvation, and kidney failure Metabolic Alkalosis Rising blood pH and bicarbonate levels indicate metabolic alkalosis Typical causes are: Vomiting of the acid contents of the stomach Intake of excess base (e.g., from antacids) Constipation, in which excessive bicarbonate is reabsorbed Respiratory and Renal Compensations Acid-base imbalance due to inadequacy of a physiological buffer system is compensated for by the other system The respiratory system will attempt to correct metabolic acid-base imbalances The kidneys will work to correct imbalances caused by respiratory disease Respiratory Compenstaion In metabolic acidosis: The rate and depth of breathing are elevated Blood pH is below 7.35 and bicarbonate level is low As carbon dioxide is eliminated by the respiratory system, PCO2 falls below normal In metabolic alkalosis: Compensation exhibits slow, shallow breathing, allowing carbon dioxide to accumulate in the blood Correction is revealed by: High pH (over 7.45) and elevated bicarbonate ion levels RisingPCO2 Renal Compensation To correct respiratory acid-base imbalance, renal mechanisms are stepped up Acidosis has high PCO2 and high bicarbonate levels The high PCO2 s the cause of acidosis The high bicarbonate levels indicate the kidneys are retaining bicarbonate to offset the acidosis Alkalosis has Low PCO2 and high pH The kidneys eliminate bicarbonate from the body by failing to reclaim it or by actively secreting it

Friday, September 27, 2019

Cost Effectiveness for Smoking Cessation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Cost Effectiveness for Smoking Cessation - Essay Example So, it is enough to start with one cartridge and use it. Perhaps, you will not need the next one. The period of usage is different as every smoker applies different number of cigarettes. That is why it is impossible to plan the usage of electronic cigarettes for everybody. It should be noted that all my participants were from New York. There were both males and females to participate in my investigation. However, their age was different. In particular, the age of participants was 19-70. I think that this intervention should be made the following way. Every person should receive so many opportunities to smoke electronic cigarettes as he/she needs to have for traditional smoking. In two-three months it is necessary to check the results. I think that here it is better to use interviewing the participants to get to know if they started smoking less. Smoking cessation by means of electronic cigarettes has much in common with another method to give up this bad habit. It is nicotine gum. It is even possible to compare these two types of smoking cessation. In case of nicotine gum a person is asked to use a special gum instead of a traditional cigarette. According to the smoker’s point of view (he tried to give up smoking with the help of nicotine gum), he used the gum during eight months and became addicted to it. So, it is difficult to say if this method is better than keeping smoking traditional cigarettes. The amount of nicotine in them is less, but still it may lead to cancer and nicotine dependence. That is why I do not advise to use nicotine gums. It is better to apply electronic cigarettes. It should be stressed that the study is very important. First of all, it is societal. It helps to get more information about the effect of smoking cessation by means of electronic cigarettes. So, it helps people from our society to be informed about electronic cigarettes and their effectiveness. The cost of the research is not very high. No additional equipment was nee ded as people were just interviewed. All results were received with the help of interviewing and smokers’ feedbacks. It turned out that several people managed to give up smoking by means of electronic cigarettes. There were practically no direct and indirect costs in the process of research. A little amount of money was spent by me on tickets to travel to people for interviewing. There may be two possible answers to the question as for the time horizon needed for this research. On the one hand, it is not necessary to conduct a long-time research if you need just to get information about smokers’ feedback after usage electronic cigarettes. On the other hand, it also can be a lifetime research, if you want to get as much information about electronic cigarettes as possible. Everything changes very quickly nowadays. It concerns various methods created for smoking cessation as well. The structure and function of electronic cigarettes may be changed in future. That is why it is a good idea to conduct a lifetime research and analyze the peculiarities of new trends in this field. It is necessary to emphasize that only in this case the research will be effective and demonstrate if it is worth to apply electronic cigarettes to give up smoking forever. The data for research can be found with the help of the following ways. Internet sources TV translations Newspaper articles Interviews with smokers Interviews with people who use electronic cigare

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Managing across culture-China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Managing across culture-China - Essay Example Cognitively, behavioral differences alone cannot account for culture and this warrants an in depth consideration of the intentions of management across culture. The Impact of Globalization Globalization resulted in the world becoming smaller. One of the main factors specifically driving these changes in China is the Internet. The internet has enabled information to travel far making barriers of distance disappear. Businesses in one country are able to do their business with companies from around the world. A businessperson may communicate with a colleague halfway around the world. This as well as international travel is becoming more common. (Globalization for Business n.d.) Businesspeople form business relationships with people in different countries. However one barrier to this relationship is cultural difference: the values that may be acceptable in one culture may be counterproductive or even unacceptable in another. In the Peoples Republic of China, people have a view of manager s that may differ from other cultures. (Branine 2011,p.226). In China managers in both private and foreign sectors are expected to be entrepreneurial, fluent, pragmatic, and flexible in both their native culture and that of their foreign investors. It is common to find â€Å"benevolent authoritarian† young managers in Chinese companies. Although this would seem as though the managers lack control of their subordinates to people of other cultures, Chinese employees expect their superiors to deploy leadership by living an exemplary life. This means that employees expect managers to lead by example, and managers who take an active role in operations and are hard working earn their employee’s respect and compliance. Generally speaking Chinese organizations tend to embody organizational characteristics which are being irrelevant in a globalized society. (Dumont 2012) Changes in Management across Chinese Culture Management characteristics within the Chinese culture are rapid ly changing especially in the private sector. Traditionally, loyalty remained within families or groups however, this is transforming drastically due to the mobility of labor within foreign firms. Currently once an employee acquires a certain level of experience in a particular field , his or her employment options open up widely especially in the large coastal cities of Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Beijing This shows employment loyalty is no longer as important as experience and labor mobility. (Branine 2011, p.227). How Chinese managers carry out their duties In various cultures and countries managers consistently play different roles. In China, a successful cross-cultural manager needs to realize that every individual has a distinct role to play in the organization. The ability for employees to effectively carry out their roles helps to keep order within the organization. Managers may carry out their duties in their respective manner and even function with unlimited power. In some in stances, they may use an intermediary to solve problems with their staff or do it themselves, speaking to individual employees privately. (Branine 2011, p.247). Due to these cultural aspects, management across such cultures is hectic and requires tolerance and perseverance. Changes in China’s cultural adaptability China’s cultural adaptability is improving rapidly in spite of her traditional medium of cultural

Victor Moritz Goldschmidt Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Victor Moritz Goldschmidt - Essay Example The family had a history of scientists and philosophers from Victor's fathers and mother's side. In 1914, he became the Professor and Director at Mineralogical Institute of Oslo, when he was offered this position. He worked in this position till 1929. After this he moved to Gttingen. The first important contribution made by him was in the field of geology and mineralogy. Goldschmidt went into geochemistry after the death of raw material in World War 1. The general studies that he carried out marked the beginning of modern geochemistry. His work, Geochemical Laws of the Distribution of the Elements, volume 8 in 1923-38, laid the foundation of inorganic crystal chemistry. ( According to Goldschmidt, "The primary purpose of geochemistry is on the one hand to determine quantitatively the composition of the earth and its parts, and on the other to discover the laws which control the distribution of the individual elements."(Bob Weintraub) His doctorate thesis, 'Die hpontaktmetamorphose im Kristianiagebiet' and 'Geologisch-petro-graphische Studien im Hochgebirge des siidlichen Norwegens,' are known as his first two major works. The first publications for geochemistry were 'Geo-chemische Verteilungsgesetze der Elemente.' These were a series of publications under this title. In 1921, he was able to show an electrical balance between the positive and negative ions using an X-ray crystallography. These ions are the most important factor in crystal structure. Goldschmidt's work on the cosmic abundance of the elements and the links between isotopic stability and abundance was led by the analysis of geochemistry, astrophysics and nuclear physics. In 1935, Goldschmidt moved to Norway because of the rise of Nazism. When World War II started Goldschmidt had to move again. He went to Sweden first and then Britain. In Britain he worked in the field of soil science and once the war ended he returned back to Norway. At the time of the war, Goldschmidt always carried a cyanide capsule with him just in case he was caught. According to Goldschmidt cyanide was for chemists, while rope was for mechanical engineers. (Msn Encarta) Goldschmidt got a doctoral fellowship at the age of 21 from the University and a Norwegian doctor's degree when he was 23 years old. There have not been many people who have done this. He did not even have to take the usual exams or degrees to achieve these levels. The Norwegian doctor's degree is usually received after the age of 30 and some people have received it after the age of 50. Thus, it was a big achievement. Goldschmidt won the noblest scientific award 'Fridtjof Nansens belonning,' in 1912, for his work 'Die Kontaktmetamorphose im Kristiania-gebiet.' When he applied for a Professorship in Stockholm, the University was able to give him the same position. This was a special case because the Norwegian University does not offer a position until two years have passed since the appointment. Goldschmidt identified the main difference between geochemical elements of geological evolution. He out them into four groups: 'siderophile, chalcophile, lithophile, and atmophile'. He also identified the fact that the earth and the meteorites have a common origin. He developed the Mineralogical Phase Rule;

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Lawyer's Professional Qualities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

The Lawyer's Professional Qualities - Essay Example The one unequivocal necessity of a good lawyer, as well as any lawyer at all, is a law school diploma and membership in BAR association. Without it, you cannot practice law. Every single lawyer has these two things. Â  Another thing a professional lawyer should have is an experience. In any job, there are very few people who became great specialists right after graduating from school or university. These are the only necessities a good lawyer should have.As for subjective qualities a professional lawyer should have, the first one is you have to be tranquil. There are a lot of people who would try to unbalance you intentionally (opponents) or not on purpose (clients, boss, colleagues et cetera). There are also many things that would go not your way, which can be disappointing or make you angry. If you would be not calm, for example, in a courtroom, you may lose your case. As an example of a lawyer’s tranquility Hillary Clinton can be taken (Gates). Another important quality professional lawyer should have is understanding that all you do is not about yourself, neither is it about your boss or your firm. It is all about your clients and their problems. It is important to remember that a lawyer is only a person who provides some sort of services if taken in general. As an example of such quality, Paul Gilbert can be taken (Gilbert).It is not less important to stand until the end and be sticking to your guns, because there are many people who finish trying just before succeeding in something. It is also needed to be able to take risks and to be ready to influence people’s lives, especially when dealing with criminal law. As an incarnation of these qualities, Preet Bharara can be taken (Dinh).

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Groups and Teams Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Groups and Teams - Essay Example well as respective roles and leaders, there was no one who took into account the need to monitor the progress of performance of the project on a regular basis. This included ensuring that members were well informed in meetings and attend, as required. Due to the lack of consensus in assigning tasks, as well as respective roles and leaders, there was no one who took into account the need to monitor the progress of performance of the project on a regular basis. This included ensuring that members were well informed in meetings and attend, as required. According to Tuckmans five stages of group development, conflict occurs as the second stage after the orientation phase in ordinary groups. Compare the two groups in respect to the conflict process that took place in each using the Tuckmans as a framework. As noted by Borkman (1996), Team A’s conflict existed both at the beginning and at the end of the project. The conflict at the beginning of the project allegedly emerged as a result of the Too Nice Syndrome, especially when roles and responsibilities were not appropriately established. In addition, the presumption that All Talk would lead the members also caused eventual conflict when he eventually left the group and the rest of the members had to conceptualize another project in lieu of that which was suggested by All Talk. This is consistent with Tuckman’s stages of group development which asserted that â€Å"although conflicts may or may not surface as group issues, they do exist. Questions will arise about who is going to be responsible for what, what the rules are, what the reward system is, and what criteria for evaluation are. These reflect conflicts over leadership, structure, power, and authority† (5 Stages of Group Development, n.d., p. 1). Likewise, towards the end of the project it was pointed out that the inability of the three isolates to contribute to the project would eventually render them kicked-out. As such, some form of conflict in verbal

Monday, September 23, 2019

Exam 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Exam 5 - Essay Example Filing a complaint is the first step in every case including the sexual assault one. In order for the case to proceed to trial, the victim must be deemed credible when reporting of the sexual assault. The credibility will go ahead and assist when it comes to seeking testimony. Evidence even a little strengthens the credibility of the victim. If the victim is deemed credible, then the case will go to trial and given priority, if not, it will be rejected at this stage (Chancellor, 2012). When victims report of sexual assault to a police station, they record official statements. During trial, the victim is asked to narrate the events following the sexual assault and this is also recorded. The narration of the story and recording may be carried out several times and then all these official documents are compared for consistency. If the prosecutor finds any inconsistencies or discrepancies in these statements, then this is a good reason to reject the sexual assault case by first discrediting the allegations and then filing for the case to be thrown aside. The victim must therefore ensure that they stick to the details of the first statement recorded at the police station. If the victim passes this stage successfully and the statements in all the official documents match, then the case moves on to prosecution through by calling witnesses and presenting evidence of the sexual assault. In every different kind of sexual assault, there are certain behaviors that accompany them and which are known by the prosecutor. During examination or cross examination of the victim in court, some of these behaviors (depending on the type of sexual assault) are expected to be provided Failure to do this or divert from the â€Å"typified behavior of the assault† leads to discrediting of the statement and evidence and the whole case based in credibility issues. Based on the three methods based above, the one thing which is common in all the three and which is what really leads to the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

An Annotated Bibliography Essay Example for Free

An Annotated Bibliography Essay Chin, Jean Lau. (2004). The Psychology of Prejudice and Discrimination. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group This book discusses the effects of prejudice and discrimination on the psyche and one’s participation in society as a whole. The relevant section in this book discusses the unique plight of gay or bisexual black men that have to contend with homophobia as well as racism. Of special note is the section in which sexual orientation often has a negative effect on the career development of many gay black men. This is an interesting resource since most of the material on the subject does not address the secondary sub-category of sexual orientation (Chin, 2004). Daniels, C. (2004). Black Power Inc. : The New Voice of Success. Hoboken: John Wiley Sons C. Daniel’s Black Power Inc. is a book of medium length that explores the phenomenon of black people placing a growing emphasis on economic rather than political power. The book is geared toward young to middle-aged black professional men and women, who are Working While Black (WWB). C. Daniels writes for Fortune magazine with an extensive history in writing about the social dynamics inherent in big business—especially as it relates to the unique issues black men and women face in the corporate world (Daniels, 2004). Davis, G. Watson, G. (1982). Black Life in Corporate America: Swimming in the Mainstream. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press Although written twenty-seven years ago, this account by Davis Watson (1982) is still relevant in chronicling the early stages of Black integration into corporate American life. The book describes the upstream struggles of educated black professionals as they attempt to make a living commensurate with their skills. While also observing the lesser tolerance of open bigotry in the workplace, certain â€Å"jokes† and comments are often alienating to black men (Davis Watson, 1982). Gates, Henry Louis. America behind the Color Line. New York: Warner Books, 2004 This book contains interviews from several powerful African-American men including Russell Simmons, Quincy Jones, Vernon Jordan, Colin Powell and Morgan Freeman. Written by Henry Louis Gates, Jr. , one of the premier scholars of African-American studies today. This book shows the diversity of successful Black men from the corporate and political arenas to the performing arts and community activism, and discusses triumphs and challenges. A very good read for anyone studying black achievement (Gates, 2004). Livers, A. Caver, K. A. (2002). Leading in Black and White: Working across the Racial Divide in Corporate America. Hoboken: John Wiley Sons This book by Livers Caver (2002) describes the challenges faced by Blacks who occupy a higher level on the corporate ladder (i. e. managerial positions). They challenge the popular assumption that black leaders have the same issues as white leaders, and underscore the problems of trust many black men have with their white colleagues because of lack of common experiences. This book was intended for black managers that need help in continuing to navigate the system (Livers Carver, 2002). Merida, K. (2007). Being a Black Man: At the Corner of Progress and Peril. Washington: Public Affairs This is a collection of essays about the personal and professional struggles of black men in America. Many points of view deal with identity intersections of different roles—husband, father, employee, and businessman—as well as dreams and ambitions. This book generated a great deal of interest in the reading public as it offers a personal glimpse of the realities of black life. K. Merida is a reporter for the Washington Post, and was thus able to use his credentials to find many contributors to this volume (Merida, 2007). Van Horne, W. A. (2007). The Concept of Black Power: Its Continued Relevance. Journal of Black Studies, 37(3), 365-389 This is a study of the growth of Black Power in America as the middle-class grows slowly and quietly. Even though over time, black people have gained more civil rights in America, there is still a significant lag between them and the white majority. However, W. A. Van Horne notes that the black underclass often overshadows the slow, but inexorable growth of the black middle class. He also raises questions of whether the black power movement is still relevant (Van Horne, 2007).

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Henchard and farfrae contrast

Henchard and farfrae contrast Henchard and Farfrae contrast each other, both by the states of their characters, and by the ideas they evoke. Farfrae is testament to the power of modernity and change and, in Casterbridge, an actual impetus of it. He implements new farming and harvesting techniques. Henchard, however, is representative of tradition and unprogressive stability; while Henchard is Mayor the town merely survives, while under Farfrae it flourishes. Unlike the contrast that is presented between Henchard and Farfrae, Henchard and Lucetta are presented as compliments. They are very much alike: inclined to strong, irrational passions, characterized by willful, independent natures, and compelled by love as well as ambition. However, Lucetta is not a woman of character. Unlike Henchard, Lucettas primarily obligation is to her own happiness, whereas Henchards is to a higher sense of interpersonal responsibility and the moral amendment of past mistakes. This commitment to the right-course is what both compels Henchard to improve his moral and material condition and what prevents him from taking possession of his happiness. Farfrae and Elizabeth-Jane are also presented as compliments to each other. They are both emotionally moderate, not excited into extremes of emotion the way that Henchard and Lucetta are (although Farfraes infatuation for Lucetta was rather impulsive). I think that Elizabeth-Jane is truly the most admirable character in the book. She seems to have a subtle, unobtrusive beauty and reserved manner that I find more compelling than Lucettas sophisticated prettiness and flirtatious demeanor. Lucetta is not a deep or especially intelligent woman; we get the sense that Elizabeth-Jane is very much is both of those things. She is kind, compassionate, empathetic and beautiful; yet she is not, however, a one-dimensional doormat the way Tamsin is in The Return of the Native. Although Farfrae and Elizabeth-Jane are presented as similar characters, I think Elizabeth-Jane is still more admirable. Farfrae is ambitious, smart, successful, and very kind, yet Elizabeth-Jane seems to exude a greater deg ree of profound empathy, perhaps because she has suffered so much herself. The tone of this novel is both very much like Hardys other novels and somewhat different. There is a strong sense of determinism in the novel; I sense that the lives of these characters are almost predestined- their life-courses are inevitable, it is only the emotions that they feel that are subject to the change. I think that Hardy suggests that the natural world, fate, time, and chance are not antagonist to human life, but rather somewhat indifferent to it- for individual people are so inconsequential amidst the greater profundity of Life itself. This gives the book a somewhat melancholy, but not necessary pessimistic tone. Ultimately, Hardy suggests that the novel is like life itself: ambiguous, neither good nor bad, triumphant or self-defeating.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Identification of Bacillus Coagulans from Agricultural Soil

Identification of Bacillus Coagulans from Agricultural Soil Introduction Soil is a common substance that is found almost everywhere in the world and is home to a diverse community of microorganisms, especially for bacteria. Bacteria are so common in soil that surface soil can be home to 108 to 109 bacterial cells per gram of dry soil (Prescott et al., 1999). This quantity of bacterium in soil, however, decreases deeper into the subsurface of the soil. There are small variations in bacterial quantity in subsurface layers, but the surface layer is always the most numerous in quantity (Weaver et al., 1994). This is because these bacteria prefer the smaller soil pores (2 to 6 ÃŽ ¼m in diameter) that are more commonly found in surface soil. This is likely a method to avoid being eaten by protozoa (Prescott et al., 1999). As small soil pores are common habitats for bacterium, and soils contain higher concentrations of CO2 and CO, with lower concentrations of O2, many of these bacteria have developed the ability to grow in microaerobic or anaerobic conditions (P rescott et al., 1999). Although bacterial quantity is plentiful in the surface layers, it is common to find relatively few bacteria of the same species. Rather, there is much variation in the species of bacterium cohabitating in these soil layers (Weaver et al., 1994). As a diversity of bacteria brings a diversity of metabolic pathways and nutrient fixation, this proves beneficial for plants and insects that live in the soil and rely upon the nutrients produced by these bacteria (Weaver et al., 1994). Through isolation, culturing, and testing of agricultural soil bacterium, this lab attempted to isolate and identify a single species of bacterium from agricultural soil. Methods A 10-2 dilution in distilled water was created using 1 g of agricultural soil. From this dilution, a TSA streak plate was made and incubated at 22Â °C for 48 hours and then chilled at 4Â °C until further analysis could be preformed (Egger 2010). From this streak plate, a single culture was chosen to be sub-cultured on a TSA streak plate and was incubated as above. This culture was also gram stained and observed under microscope. The bacterial cell dimensions were calculated and cell shape and arrangement were recorded. The bacterial subculture was then observed for colony morphology. Individual cells were then tested for starch hydrolysis, H2S reduction and motility, ammonification, nitrification, denitrification, oxygen tolerance, and for catalase production (Egger 2010). Further testing was then performed to determine optimal growth temperature, osmotic pressure, and pH. Temperature testing was done at 4, 22, 37, and 50Â °C; osmotic pressure testing done at 0, 0.5, 2, and 5% NaCl; and pH testing was done at pH 3, 5, 7, and 9 (Egger 2010). Data from tests were pooled and used to determine the possible identity of the unknown culture. Results The streak plate of dilute agricultural soil revealed a large quantity of different bacterial colonies varying in colour, shape, size, texture, and elevation. After isolation of a single bacterial culture, there was little to no variation in these characteristics. This single bacterial culture revealed a circular form with a flat elevation and a rough texture. The colour was observed to be clear to white in colour and translucent in appearance. Further observation under microscope revealed staphylobacillus approximately 40 ÃŽ ¼m in length. Gram staining and testing for starch hydrolysis, and nitrification all turned out positive, while testing for H2S reduction, motility, ammonification, and denitrification all proved negative, which is further outlined in Table 1. This bacterium was then determined to be a facultative anaerobe with an optimal temperature of 37Â °C, optimal pH of 7, and optimal osmotic pressure of 0.5% NaCl. It was also observed that there was little growth at 5% NaCl and reasonable growth at pH 5. Discussion As the bacterium isolated in this experiment was rod shaped, gram positive, and catalase producing, it is likely that this specific bacterium belongs to the genus Bacillus (Butler 1986). Determination of the specific species of Bacillus proved more difficult. As this bacterium was able to hydrolyse starch, was a facultative anaerobe, had an optimal growth temperature around 37Â °C, and an optimal pH around 7, the possibilities were narrowed to either Bacillus coagulans or Bacillus licheniformis (Butler 1986). Although B. licheniformis is common to most ground soils, there proved to be a few common factors that supported the greater plausibility of this specific bacterium to be B. coagulans. The isolated bacterium was unable to reduce nitrate to nitrite and was unable to grow significantly in a NaCl medium of 5%. As B. licheniformis is capable of reduction of nitrate to nitrite and growth in 5% NaCl medium, it is unlikely that this unknown bacterium was B. licheniformis (Butler 1986). It was also noted that the unknown bacterium was capable of growth at pH 5, which is a characteristic of B. coagulans (Butler 1986). Specifically, B. coagulans has been recorded as having an optimal pH of 6 and a minimum of 4.0-5.0 depending on specific stra ins (Butler 1986). In order to further verify that the unknown bacterium was B. coagulans, it would have been beneficial to test the bacteriums ability to hydrolyse casein and gelatine as B. coagulans cannot hydrolyse casein and gelatine while B. licheniformis can. It would also have been beneficial to further investigate growth in 7% and 10% NaCl to further verify the identity of B. coagulans if growth did not occur. Unfortunately, not all tests that were performed were useful in the identification of the specific species of the unknown bacterium. The tests were useful, however, in determining genus. As the genus Bacillus was reasonably simple to identify based on the rod shaped bacterium and catalase production, some of the tests, such as the test for H2S reduction were not as useful as others, such as the test for catalase production. If the unknown bacterium did prove to be B. coagulans, this would be an uncommon isolation as B. coagulans is not common in soil (Butler 1986). For this reason, there is little information recorded on B. coagulans ecological role in soil. It would be advised that further investigation into the ecological role of B. coagulans should be performed as, although uncommon, B. coagulans is still a soil bacterium and must therefore play an ecological role in soil. It may also be beneficial to further investigate B. coagulans as it is a common additive in medicated creams and antacids (Butler 1986). This is because of the possible pro-biotic benefits of B. coagulans in the gastrointestinal tract, although these benefit claims have been questioned as to their validity in recent years (De Vecchi and Drago 2006). There has also been a recent study that suggests that application of B. coagulans to arthritic joints may cause a decrease in pain and a reduction in disability of these joints. Althoug h, these are preliminary studies, and the function of this pain relief is unknown, there is significant reason to peruse B. coagulans as a treatment for rheumatoid arthritis (Mandel et al. 2010). Although the unknown bacterium is likely B. coagulans there were possible sources of error. A major source of error could have come from the gram staining process. There was a possibility that the stain was not rinsed with ethanol for long enough, which would have caused retention of the dye in the cell wall of the unknown bacterium. This would have lead to a false positive for gram staining. If this was true and the unknown bacterium was gram negative, this would indicate a possibly different genus and definitely different species. Although errors could have lead to misidentification of the unknown bacterium, based on the data collected, it is most likely that the unknown bacterium isolated was B. coagulans. There was no reason to believe that the isolated colony was contaminated with different species of bacteria, and testing lead to a conclusive identification of the unknown bacterium. From this it is reasonable to say that the objectives of this experiment were met.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Classification Essay - Three Types of Cheaters -- Classification Essay

Plagiarism - Three Types of Cheaters "Fools make researches and wise men exploit them." Merriam-Webster's dictionary defines the word plagiarize as to pass off as one's own the ideas or words of another. Every student knows that plagiarism is dishonest and wrong. Why do so many students do it? Students themselves may not believe that they are plagiarizing. Many students plagiarize because of the diverse types of plagiarism which are often unknown to students. The three major types of plagiarism are shameless, haphazard and self-plagiarism. Self-plagiarism is a relatively new concept that has not gained much attention in the student world. Shameless plagiarists are the ones who go through their entire academic career passing off other people's work as their own. In a majority of cases, these people do not get caught. Recently, a first year student at the San Diego State University admitted to her friends that she was turning in her uncle's essays for every assignment. She felt that she was not doing harm to anyone because her uncle would specifically write the essays for her. All this student had to do was retype the essays with her name on the top of the paper. According to this student, she is not plagiarizing because her uncle has given his expressed permission by consenting to the use of his essays. She has almost completed her first year at the school without even one teacher suspecting academic dishonesty. Although her friends and family members are appalled at her and her uncle's lack of scruples, no one has alerted the school or her teachers. Up north at Chico State University, a young man confessed to his friends that he sends his rough-draft essays to his mother for "proof-reading." His mother essentially woul... ...arism or else students run the risk of being found guilty of plagiarism. Students may think they know what plagiarism is but a lot more are guilty of at least one of the three forms plagiarism. References A Modern Utopia by HG Wells taken from The Economist (US), Feb. 3, 2001 p6 The Spinster and the Prophet. Merriam-Webster Dictionary p 530. Michael Spears ( New York Times Upfront, Jan 1, 2001, v133 i9 p10 "Truth or Consequences." Personal Interview with San Diego State student 4/2/01 Personal Interview with mother of Chico State student 4/3/01 Personal Interview with Carondelet student 4/5/01 The Christian Science Monitor March 6, 2001 p17 "Your work, or the Web's?" US News & World Report, Nov. 22, 1999 v 127 i20 p 63 "The great term-paper buying caper."

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath and William Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury :: essays papers

John Steinbeck’s novel, The Grapes of Wrath, and William Faulkner’s novel, The Sound and the Fury Throughout history, many devastating economic, social, and environmental changes have occurred causing people to rise and overcome immense odds. In the 1930s, The Great Depression and the Dustbowl Disaster, a drought with horrific dust storms turning once-fertile agricultural lands of mid-America into virtual wastelands, forced thousands of destitute farmers to pack their families and belongings into their cars in search of agricultural work in central California. Years of degradation stemming from the end of slavery beginning at the conclusion of the Civil War destructed the old southern aristocratic families. These different external influences impact on the characters is seen in John Steinbeck’s novel, The Grapes of Wrath, and William Faulkner’s novel, The Sound and the Fury. Steinbeck illustrates and advocates drastic external changes in the economy and life style of the downtrodden migrants, as he follows the Joad family from Oklahoma to California. Faul kner depicts the decline of the aristocratic south through the eyes of the Compson children. The external changes, The Great Depression and the Dustbowl, affected the Joads economically and emotionally. By economic standards the Joads were poor before the Dust Bowl. However, they believed they had economic value and importance by working their own 40 acres of land. â€Å"Grampa took up the land, and he had to kill the Indians and drive them away. And Pa was born here†¦ Then a bad year came and he had to borrow a little money. An’ we was born here. And Pa had to borrow money. The bank owned the land then, but we stayed and we got a little bit of what we raised†(Steinbeck 45). Losing the farm, being forced to leave their home in a search of work, meant the loss of their social values. To the Joads, value and life importance rest in working the land and this ideology of the past made their emotional adjustment to being a wondering, an â€Å"Okie,† even more difficult. "The moving, questing people were migrants now. Those families which had li ved on a little piece of land, who had lived and died on forty acres, had now the whole West to rove in. And they scampered about, looking for work; and the highways were streams of people, and the ditch banks were lines of people.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Sad Comedy of Really Bad Food

Ms. Moskowitz wants to give her readers a sense of her perspective and her style as she begins this restaurant review. Her opening paragraph shows that she seems to have a casual, common-sense approach to her reviews unlike some stuffy, formal food critics. She also shows that her sense of humor will be a component of her reviews. 2. A good server is an essential component of an enjoyable dining experience. Good service stands out in the mind of the customer, and poor service stands out even more. A good server should be conscientious, polite, friendly and knowledgeable.He should attend to his customers’ needs from the moment the customer is seated. He should never exude an air of pretentiousness or aloofness. He should know the menu thoroughly from cover to cover and he should have several recommendations for specialties of the house. He should visit his tables regularly without ever hinting that the customers need to rush through their meals. If the restaurant has a wine men u, he should know the wines well at all price points. In short, he should take pride in his job and treat his customers with respectful, attentive and friendly service.Service sometimes breaks down when management is not supervising the staff satisfactorily. Also, some servers exhibit an unhelpful, casual attitude about their work. Managers should heed the complaints of customers who receive substandard service and either discipline of fire bad servers. A good restaurant with good food cannot thrive with a poor service staff. 3. A restaurant customer is within her rights to send poor food back to the kitchen, and it is advisable for the restaurant to satisfy the customer at the expense of preparing her food again.One instance of poor food quality will cause many customers to cease their visits to that restaurant. Moskowitz may have decided to not send back numerous bad dishes because she thought that the chefs were invariably lacking and incapable of correcting their errors. I would not hesitate to send back food that was clearly prepared improperly. For example, if I requested a medium-rare steak and it arrived as well-done, I would send it back with no regrets whatsoever. 4. Ms Moskowitz displays fairness when she lauds the otherwise poor restaurant’s quality offerings.By complimenting their desserts and wines, she proves that she is open-minded, even eager to find any possible positives that might appeal to her readers. Her praise in the midst of many criticisms shows her sense of balance and fair play for the restaurants she reviews. 5. Ms. Moskowitz’s tone in this review is matter-of-fact, casual, vivid and humorous. She does not hesitate to vividly describe the poor service and the poor food. Yet, ironically, she seems to laugh off her mostly inferior, unsatisfying dining experience. She writes in a casual, almost colloquial tone with frequent injections of humor.This tone, in light of the poor dining experience that she endured, is fitting because it gives the reader a reason to read the entire review despite its many negative comments. Marrakech 1. This navvy, or workman, is referred to as â€Å"an employee of the Municipality† because he is so oppressed by his plight that he is incredulous that a man could be casually feeding bread to a gazelle while he and his brethren are perpetually poor and starving. Orwell paints such underprivileged people as helpless, even sub-human, and his pessimistic views of individual opportunity are depressing throughout this short story.2. The average tourist in Marrakech is probably going to be busy and preoccupied with meeting an itinerary. As such, this average observer may not notice the plight of the native citizens. Orwell, with his dark, bleak outlook, searches for and finds victims everywhere he looks. He regularly assumes that the native working people are hapless and helpless to escape their seemingly dire circumstances. Orwell even notes that it took him some time th ere to begin to start noticing the natives in all their wallowing misery. 3.The laborers in Marrakech are â€Å"partly invisible† because they are dark-skinned and tend to blend into the landscape. Tourists and observers there are much more likely to notice the natural scenery than the native workers. Orwell invariably paints these natives as helpless victims and their â€Å"invisibility† adds to that bleak assessment. In the United States, a land of undeniable opportunity, he would probably also paint menial laborers as invisible and pitiful. To the contrary, ordinary, hard-working citizens are the fabric and driving force behind America and its exceptional history of success.Orwell would be in a difficult position if he tried to paint ordinary American citizens as poor victims who have little chance for success and happiness. 4. Orwell’s Marrakech is saturated with political messages. Chief among them is the supposed victimhood of average, working people. His bleak, pessimistic portrayal of their plight is depressing and debatable. His one-sided view does not mention the positive aspects of these natives’ lives. Despite living in very trying conditions, these natives must have some happiness and some opportunity to live, work and provide for their families.It is sad and unrealistic how Orwell seems to always paint ordinary people as helpless, joyless victims of their environment. 5. The storks and â€Å"great white birds† are metaphors for the ruling white class that has power over the helpless Negro soldiers and slaves. The whites are going in a safe direction while the hapless Negros are forced to sacrifice and go in the other direction. His blanket view of white prejudice towards blacks is insulting and demeaning to honorable people who judge others based on their character and their actions.Orwell cannot help himself as he belabors the dubious point of minority victimhood and helplessness. 6. The five sections in Orwell ’s short story are somewhat incongruent, but are not difficult to follow. Invariably, the images of human nature and the strength of the human spirit are stifled and skewed by Orwell’s jaded, dark and pessimistic views. Evidently, he needed to visit and observe some people who had joy and happiness as part of their lives before he deemed most people as oppressed.

Monday, September 16, 2019

In the country or in the city Essay

Where is the best place to raise a child, in the city or in the country? I would rather live and raise my family in the country, because of the clean environment, peaceful atmosphere, and smaller schools. My primary reason for choosing the country instead of the city is the clean environment. The air smells fresh and clean, because there are less cars creating pollution. In the city, there are busses, taxis, and cars on all the streets contributing harmful chemicals into the air. While automobiles are not the only cause of pollution, there are also more factories and plants to pollute the air. In the country, the only major industry would be farming, which does not pollute the air in any way. There are more people in the city breathing the air and less forest area to help control the pollution. Since there are less people in the country than in the city, the amount of littering on the roads is also less. The polluted air is very harmful to the human body and that is why I will choose to raise my family in the country where there is less pollution. The clean environment is not the only reason that I will choose to live in the country. Another reason for my decision to live in the country is the peaceful atmosphere. There are many more crimes committed in the city than in the country, because there is more drug use there. People with drugs are probably not going to sell them in the country, because they know they can sell more in the city. Drugs are not the only reason for the high crime rates in the city. There are shopping malls and businesses that are not in the country, which leads to more theft in the city. Also, the atmosphere in the country seems to be a much slower pace, because there are fewer people and jobs. The peacefulness in the country is very soothing and calming after a hard day at work. Also, I hope that my children will grow up to be good people, and I believe that the odds of that are much better if they are raised in the country rather than in the city. My last reason for choosing to live in the country instead of the city is that the schools in the country are much smaller than in the city. I believe  that smaller schools are better for the students. The schools in the city are much larger to accommodate the larger population of students that live there. I feel that the advantages of attending a smaller school are many. They have smaller classes, which gives the students more one-on-one time with their teacher. The teacher can really get to know each of their students and learn how they can help them be successful. In larger schools, teachers have too many students to have the chance to know each one personally, and they do not have the time to help them as much as a teacher in a smaller school. I also think it is easier for the students in a smaller school to make friends, because they get used to the same faces and know each other well. There are more students in larger schools, which will make it harder for them to get to know one another. City schools are also known for having cliques, which makes it hard for some students to be accepted by others. I believe that the smaller schools in the country are more beneficial than the larger schools in the city. In my opinion, the country is the best place to live and raise a family. I have discussed the three main reasons I chose the country rather than the city: the clean environment, peaceful atmosphere, and smaller schools. I hope others will agree that the country is the land of the free.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Hockey Cross Country Comparison Essay

Hockey and Cross country are two completely different sports in many aspects for example one is played on ice and is very physical and the other you are running on dry ground and all you do is run. But in many aspects these two sports have more in common than most people would think. These two sports in some aspects are polar opposes but having played them both I can say they are very similar. First off they both require extremely high levels of physical endurance and strength. Hockey requires you to have physical strength, quickness, and hand eye coordination. As cross country requires physical strength as well, but it also requires you to put your mind over your body, this means that no matter what kind of physical pain you may be in you have to block out the pain and keep running. Now most people think that cross country is not a team sport and only individuals run cross country right? Well they are very wrong cross country is just as much of a team sport as hockey. In cross country you rely on your team mates to place well in their race to score points just as a hockey player would in hockey. Both hockey and cross country require immense amounts of training. Hockey you have to train your hand eye coordination as well as having good vision and being physically strong. Cross country you must train your endurance you must have massive amounts of stamina as well as mental strength. Cross country you need a strong core and legs and stamina, but hockey requires you to be strong in every muscle group. Hockey is a physical sport that requires you to be able to block out pain after a big hit or a player takes a puck where they don’t have any padding.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Echoes of Heaven Essay

The world today seems to be going further and further from Christian Values. Denominations are arising against each other time after time. We no longer hear the proper preaching of the gospel because preachers prepare their sessions to suit the audience and therefore a lot of truth is left uncovered. A Christian who performs and leads a true Christian life seems very outdated. There are rumors of wars everywhere in the world today. People seem to rely on technology much more than on God. I am a born again Christian, I have been a Christian since I was born but there is a huge difference in my life after I accepted Jesus Christ. I have received tangible breakthroughs and therefore when I say so much truth is left uncovered in today’s churches I do it with reference to my personal experience. Sometimes suffering comes our way because God wants to show us our weakness without Him. We must rely on Him and not on our own understanding. I have observed Muslim practices closely and they are more devoted to their religion and believes than Christians! Charles I agree that God’s Love is better than Life Itself and would very much want to know where to get the book.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Child Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Child Development - Essay Example For the realization of an optimal development, the cognitive, social, emotional, and language development of children needs to be well understood. There was the need to establish an in-depth understanding towards the development of a child cutting across cognitive, emotional, social and language development. This paper explores a case study of Kevin’s development explaining the areas where Kevin achieves the developmental steps every day. This case study will refer to Kevin as the main subject of the paper in order to maintain confidentiality. Kevin is 9 months years old and resides with his mother and father, in their home, in the country. He was born in UK. His father is an African where as his mother is an Arab. Kevin’s parents have full time employment. They not only speak English as a second language but also French and Arabic. Kevin lives with his parents, two older brothers of ages eight and six years old, and a sister who is nine years old. They also have neighb ors who do not speak English as their first language. Kevin has toys that he likes to play with them. He also likes to eat biscuits. Kevin does not like a separation from the mother and finds it difficult to adjust to his mother’s attempts to live him in the kitchen alone. In this study, Kevin’s observation shall take place in their quiet home environment. This observation would be carried out in different stages. First, Kevin shall be observed with his mother in the kitchen. The second observation will be done in the presence of Kevin’s brothers and sister. Cognitive development. According to the cognitive development observation (Appendix A) Kevin could be able to repeat actions intentionally so as to trigger environmental responses. For instance, Kevin moved his legs and smiled when his mother showed him his milk bottle. In this case, Kevin was confidence to identify his milk bottle. In this case, Kevin demonstrated figurative intelligence by perceiving his m ilk bottle. Figurative intelligence involves a static intelligence aspect which involves the representations that are used to retain the state of mind. Like for the case of Kevin, figurative intelligence involved the mental imagery, and perception of the milk bottle. When his mother shows him his milk bottle a mental picture is created in his mind thus making him perceive the milk bottle. When he identifies the shape of his milk bottle and smiles he shows that he obtained intervened transformation in his mind. Piaget (2001, p .7) points out that the figurative intelligence aspects obtain their meaning from the operative intelligence aspects. Operative intelligence in this case involves covert or overt actions that are undertaken so as to anticipate objects transformation for the interest of a child. In addition to this, Kevin identification of his milk bottle was a representative aspect of intelligence development. This was also a clear indication of assimilation of new ideas. Piage t (2001, p.8) argues out that assimilation occurs in children when they come across unfamiliar ideas and refers to the information learnt previously so as to make sense out of it. When Kevin saw his milk bottle, he remembered using it some other time hence making sense of it. To recognize the milk bottle, Kevin focused on the objects contours, recognize the size of the object, thus developing mental schema of the milk bottle thus operative intelligence. This was evidenced when he looked at the milk bottle and smiled, showing out that he had gained enough object performance, and, therefore, reaction coordination. This was also an indication of a construction of knowledge that is new without the knowledge being poured into a child's head. During observation, when Kevin realized that his bottle was missing, his face changed,

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Deontology and Utilitarian Scenario Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Deontology and Utilitarian Scenario - Essay Example Utilitarianism, which is a teleological framework, on the other hand, decides on whether some thing is right or wrong by looking at the consequences or ‘teleos’ of the relevant action or non action. I.e. the action itself is not value neutral and the intrinsic nature of the action is not very relevant. It is what is achieved by that action that is determinant in ascertaining whether something is right or wrong. As such the same action can be right in one instance and wrong in the other instance, depending on the circumstances and consequences. This is directly at odds with deontological frameworks which provide that a given action will be universally right or wrong irrespective of the surrounding circumstances. The foregoing also highlights why deontology is considered to be a specimen of absolutism while utilitarianism exemplifies relativism. Utilitarianism, like the philosophies put forward by John Stuart Mills, look at whether something is right or wrong by looking at the consequences of that action in that it looks to see whether the action produces the greatest aggregate happiness amongst the relevant people. Application of deontological principles to the ethical problem at hand In applying deontological principles, mainly in the form of Immanuel Kant’s philosophy on ‘categorical imperatives’, I can ascertain what I should or should not do when I’m standing on the bridge with the mad fat ethical philosopher. The only thing I must put my mind to is whether I should push the villain and kill him or not. The surrounding circumstances are irrelevant. It is only the intrinsic value of the action of pushing him and killing him that I must put my mind to. As such, at first glance it can be said that under Kant’s philosophy the ‘right’ thing to do would be not to kill the villain. This general conclusion can be supported by applying some of Kant’s categorical imperatives. For example, applying the categorical imperative that is similar to the Golden Rule in the Bible and provides for the principle of universalizability, if I was the fat person on the bridge looking down at the tracks, I certainly would not have wanted to be thrown down on to the tracks for want of a heavy inanimate object. If I would not want to be thrown down, then equally I should not throw the villain down. Furthermore, it is very clear that the villain is necessary only because there is a lack of any other heavy object. The fact that he is human is irrelevant. Only his mass and physical being is necessary. This goes directly against Kant’s categorical imperative that one must not use humans simply as a means to an end. The fact that I would be merely using the villain and disregarding his humanity if I did throw him down the tracks would go directly against this categorical imperative which emphasizes that respect for the person. Note how in the above discussion the consequences of throwing down th e villain were not discussed. This is because in relation to this specific action, it was irrelevant that by killing the villain the innocent people will be saved. However, ethical principles apply equally to action as well as non actions. It is one thing to think about throwing down the villain and killing him, but there is another thing to think about in the same circumstances. Presumably, I am the only one on the bridge and I have the power to save the five innocent

Phase 5 Individual Project Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Phase 5 Individual Project - Assignment Example A DNA profile is encrypted numbers unique to a specific organism, and can accurately identify a specific organism. Variable Number Tandem repeats is an aspect of DNA testing, and they are similar related organisms. Unrelated organisms are less likely to have similar DNA profiles. Through the use of DNA technology, Timothy Spencer was convicted for the murder of Debbie Davis. Investigators collected hairs and semen at the scene of murder and they linked them to the DNA make up of Timothy Spencer. From the trial, the jury was convinced that the genetic make-up in the pieces of evidence collected had a likelihood of matching the genetic make-up of Spencer to the accuracy of seven hundred and five million people. The conviction of Spencer was upheld by the United States Court of Appeal which held that the use of DNA technology was safe and rightfully identified the suspect. It can be used to exonerate suspects from criminal liability. Medwed (2012) analyzes the case of Woodall II vs. the State, where DNA tests proved that he was innocent of rape, robbery and kidnappings. In the case People vs. Castro, the court held that DNA could prove that blood found on Castro’s watch is not his. This was a murder case in which Castro faced charges of killing his neighbor and her 2 year old daughter (Medwed 2012). Another purpose of DNA testing is to acquire a warrant of arrest and a jury induction. In Milwaukee Wisconsin, a warrant of arrest against John Doe is filed. This warrant of arrest is filed on the basis of matching DNA tests on the scene of crime. The state of Utah issued similar warrants of arrests against John Doe basing on the DNA tests found on the scenes of crime, and the state of New York filed a grand jury induction of John Doe. However, the United States courts emphasize proper use of DNA technology in ensuring equitable application of justice. In the case United States vs. Schwartz (1989), the Supreme Court

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Comedian Russell Peters' jokes are controversial in that it is racial Essay

Comedian Russell Peters' jokes are controversial in that it is racial - Essay Example Many authors consider him a comedian using every slang term to make audience laugh at the cost of the racial identities. In the subsequent part of this paper, first race and comedy are elaborated and is followed by the analysis of the racist jokes of Peters before summarization. Race and Comedy The race based comedy is not new. In the older times, it was a part of the entertainer’s role to include openly racist stereotypes, degrading the socially deprived groups living within the community with no sign of apology. Undoubtedly, such stereotypes represented the existing realities in which certain races were clearly highlighted as superior to other races. Everyday racism exists in a wide range of interactions (Tator and Henry 27). The racist expressions involve in the many and small ways in which racism is experienced in the manifestations such as anecdotes, behaviors , racialised, sexualized and ethnicised jokes, gestures, glares and glances and in other forms of speech. And, mo st of the time, not the perpetrator but the victim painfully feels the impacts of the racially based comments. Although racist sentiments may be highlighted in less overt ways in the recent times, some racists use comedy as an ideal tool for mocking ethnic and other minorities. In this regard, Billig contends that if today there are taboos against the outward expression of racism, then the racist joke represents a way of expressing the unsayable (Humor and Hatred 285). Hutcheon argues that humor is not far from hatred, reaching at the level of unambiguous gender or ethnicity stereotypes along with requiring suspension of empathy where the victim being an object of ridicule (268). Humor consists of complex connotations. Hutcheon states that humor represents paradoxes as the utterance of humor may leave opposite pragmatic effects: what is welcomed as polemical and transgressive to some might be insulting to others and what is subversive for some may be offensive to others (p.52). This makes an analysis of ethnic humor so complex; is there a point making the joke as non-offensive? Absolutely not, the potential to offend lies within many types of humor, even if majority of the audience cannot stop roaring with laughter (Hirji 570). Analysis of Russell Peters Jokes The main function of racist jokes is to reinforce the presumed superiority of one ethnic or racial group over another (Howlitt and Owusu-Bempah 50). Without question, Peters does make audience a good laugh. However, what is the root of the racist joke? Is the joke offering difference depending upon who is the subject (Hirji 575)? Hijri quotes some lines of Peters as saying that somebody is going to get hurt real bad (575); delivered in a thick Indian accent with an aim of highlighting a mimicking fathers who threaten their children with violence and severe punishment; pertaining to his own family or to South Asians generally: This joke does highlight the issues around race and in particular cultures and its integration in a humorous way; at the same time, it does raise some questions about the domestic violence as well. In one of his famous jokes in which he speaks about the difference between Asians and South Asians saying that I think the god that making Indian people was making some kind of practical joke with all the other gods†¦. It’s hot and we’re hairy. Men and women [laughs at audience reaction]. Indian girls are getting mad, putting down their sleeves [mimics their angry reaction] ‘

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Government Intervention In Resolving Economic Issues Term Paper

Government Intervention In Resolving Economic Issues - Term Paper Example Inflation is a state of an economy in which the value of money is falling i.e. prices are rising. Normally, the rate of inflation i.e. increase in average prices level is measured with the help of price index or GDP deflator. Cost of living is increased, when inflation increases. These are simply directly proportional to each other. This situation badly affects the labor class i.e. the lower class of the country. They have scared financial resources and lots of financial problems to deal with. Increase in street crimes is also one of the problems created by inflation directly. When people have a burden of problems and frustration due to less financial resources but increasing prices, they jump into the street crimes to fulfill their needs. Inequality in Income Distribution is also part of economic diseases born by inflation. Here, the rich become richer and the poor become poorer. An abnormal unbalance is created in society. This may lead to further social and economic problems in the country. A decrease in savings also incurs when inflation is an increasing trend. People will spend all that they will earn and saving no penny for a tough time. The rate of interest will also increase due to an increase in inflations.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Second (2nd) narrow bridge collapse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Second (2nd) narrow bridge collapse - Essay Example The cause of accidents in the construction of bridges has been attributed mainly to the error committed during the project design. The errors are caused by negligence in the side of the contractors. The fatalities in the construction industry are caused by failure to comply with the industry’s safety and health guidelines. It is important to adhere to safety and health directives and guidelines to avert future disasters such as the second narrow bridge accident. Wienand and Zunde (147-158) confirmed that the second narrow bridge was made of steel metals, timber and reinforced concrete. According to Akesson (124), the construction of new highway bridge in British Columbia began in November 1957. The second narrow bridge had six lanes and was a continuous truss bridge (in all 1992 meter long) with the main 335-navigation span. It was also a cantilever construction having two anchor spans, (142 m each). The second narrow bridge had lanes specifically for the pedestrians and bicycles. It was the second bridge constructed at the Second (east) Narrows of Burrard Inlet in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. It was named the Second Narrows Bridge as it connects Vancouver to the north shore of Burrard Inlet, which includes the District of North Vancouver, the City of North Vancouver, and West Vancouver. It was constructed adjacent to the older Second Narrows Bridge, which is currently an exclusively rail bridge. The bridge was a steel truss cantile ver bridge, designed by Swan Wooster Engineering Co. Ltd. On June 17, 1958, the north anchor span through failure of the temporary truss, collapsed without warning and caused death of the sixteen workers and two engineers. Akesson (125) said that on the fateful afternoon of June 17, 1958, the crane was stretched to join the two chords of the arch that was under construction from the north side of the new bridge. Just before

Sunday, September 8, 2019

What sponsorships are available to smaller companies Essay

What sponsorships are available to smaller companies - Essay Example When the sponsorship is offered to a nonprofit organization, the sponsorship activity is called cause marketing or event marketing. In the past decade, corporate sponsorship has increasingly grown; in fact, more than the overall corporate sponsorship recorded in the 1990s (Swinbanks, 2013). Most funders of big events and activities are, of course, established companies. However, the current trends indicate that part of the increase in commercial sponsorship is attributable to developing firms that are becoming involved. In the past, only established firms could sponsor event as a means of boosting revenue and building goodwill. However, in today’s commercial environment, medium and small-sized firms have embraced the sponsorship of several events and activities from volleyball and softball teams to festivals, park clean-ups and fairs as an effective way of increasing their visibility in their local communities. Several of these kinds of sponsorships help small companies to increase their public profiles in a cost-effective manner (Steiner, 2008). Corporate sponsorship is common in festivals and museums, but it can be seen in commercial environments. For instance, a football club may bear the name of a company and the sporting contest may be proceeded by the sponsoring corporation’s name. Because corporate sponsorships can be costly, stakeholders have been cautious of the profits ascribed to the publicity in depressed economies. The sales cycle for marketing sponsors is often a tedious procedure that involves examining prospects, generating custom-made proposals based on a firms business goals, finding the right contact persons in a company, receiving buy-ins from several electorates and finally discussing benefits. Some deals can take up to one year and traders report spending somewhere between 3-6 hours a day investigating each firm that is seen as a likely prospect for sponsorship (Steiner, 2008). These are

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Comparison of Editonals Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Comparison of Editonals - Research Paper Example However, up to the end of the entire article, this desire is not brought out clearly as being achievable. It is stated that the elimination of Osama may, to a great extent, fail to end the terrorist threat or even weaken the ideological motivation held by the Al Qaeda’s supporters. The strongest argument found within the article states that in the future, the death of Osama Bin Laden may bring much encouragement to the Al Qaeda. The argument points out that more threats shall come from the local affiliates which had already been designed to operate largely independently to organize attacks on America and other places (Clarke, 2011). Their network no longer required Osama and it had been strong with minimal or no directions from Bin Laden for many years. This directs us to a conclusion that the death of Osama Bin Laden did not bring much impact to the Al Qaeda network and that they are more likely to accomplish their goals. The second article points out the life of Osama Bin Laden as a sacrificial life. He is depicted as a leader of a certain sect in the Muslim religion who gave up his luxury life to fight a holy war (Soufan, 2011). Besides being the leader and the founder of the Al Qaeda group, Bin Laden had also been an idea to them. He organized the terrorism idea which according to the Al Qaeda had appeared the correct version for Islam (Lüsted, 2012). This article has its premises that the death of Osama would be championed. It would be welcomed and celebrated as martyrdom while songs and videos were to be composed. The Al Qaeda would consider him a more effective propaganda tool when dead than while alive. This argument does not come into line with the conclusion. At the end, the article brings into light the suffering of the Al Qaeda after the elimination of its leader. The group no longer had its best fund-raiser and recruiter. Its new leaders lacked charisma and good connections. This come s out as the best argument in the article since it